Question Bank

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  1. This week's questions are about abortion. Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. When you think about abortion, what comes to mind?
  2. Where do people your age get information about accessing abortion?
  3. The federal government and many state governments may soon change the rules on what abortions are legal. What kind of changes to abortion access have you heard about?
  4. How do you feel about these potential changes to abortion access? Why?
  5. What factors do people your age consider when deciding whether or not to have an abortion?
Date: 5/20/22
  1. The Supreme Court has removed federal protections for abortion, and now states will decide which abortions are legal. What kind of changes to abortion access have you heard about?
  2. How do you think this change impacts young people's decisions about sex (such as decisions to have sex or not, to use birth control, what kind of birth control to use, etc.)?
  3. Who in your life would you go to for support if you or a partner needed an abortion?
  4. If you or a partner had to travel out of state for an abortion, what would you need to make this possible?
  5. If you needed to find information online about getting an abortion, what specific websites or social media accounts would you look at?
Date: 7/8/22
  1. It’s been a few months since the overturning of Roe v Wade. No matter where you stand, we want to hear from you. Many states are changing which abortions are legal. What changes to abortion access have you noticed for young people in your state?
  2. How do you feel about these changes to abortion access? Why?
  3. Tell us about a conversation you’ve had recently about abortion. Who did you talk to and what did you talk about?
  4. Do you think minors (under 18 years old) should be allowed to make decisions about having an abortion without involving their parents/guardians? Why or why not?
  5. Some people look for abortion-related information online. How do you decide if the information you see online is trustworthy?
Date: 10/28/22
  1. Where do you go for a health problem you can’t solve on your own (family doctor, ER, urgent care, school clinic etc.)? Why do you go there?
  2. Do you have a regular doctor you go to for check-ups or when you feel sick? If you don’t have a regular doctor, why not?
  3. Do you think it’s important to have a regular doctor you go to for check-ups or when you feel sick? Why or why not?
  4. How could your doctor’s office make your visits easier?
  5. Have you had a bad experience with a doctor or clinic visit? What happened?

Date: 9/14/2018

  1. This week is about guns and safety. Tell us about how gun violence affects you.
  2. Does/did your school have active shooter drills?
  3. What happens during an active shooter drill?
  4. How do active shooter drills make you feel?
  5. Do you think active shooter drills make schools safer? Why or why not?

Date: 8/16/2019

  1. This week we want to get your thoughts on drinking alcohol. What do you think counts as binge drinking?
  2. Did you know that binge drinking means drinking 4 + drinks for women and 5 + drinks for men in 2 hours? What do you think about that?
  3. What percentage of people your age do you think binge drink?
  4. Why do you think people your age binge drink?
  5. What do you think are the greatest risks of binge drinking?

Date: 9/21/2018

  1. We want to hear your thoughts and experiences with prescribed contraception/birth control (pills, shots, IUDs, etc.). How has social media affected your thoughts about these types of birth control?
  2. What are reasons why sexually active people your age might not use prescribed birth control?
  3. Have you or anyone you know had trouble getting prescribed birth control? What happened?
  4. Sometimes people feel pressure from others to use or not use prescribed birth control. Has this ever happened to you or someone you know? Tell us about it.
  5. Access to abortion has changed in the last year for many people. How has this changed your interest in using prescribed birth control, if at all?
Date: 5/19/23
  1. This week we want to hear what you think about contraception/birth control. What comes to mind when you think of birth control?
  2. Tell us how you first learned about contraception/birth control.
  3. What questions do you have about birth control? (Can’t think of anything now? What questions have you had in the past?)
  4. If you had questions about birth control today, where would you look for an answer?
  5. Is there someone you trust to ask about stuff like this? Who?
Dates: 2/21/2018 – 4/17/2018

Intro: This week is about trending body challenges: when you check to see if your body part can look a certain way (ex: thigh gap).

  1. List all the body challenges you know of!
  2. Where did you hear about these challenge(s)?
  3. Have you, or someone you know, tried any of these challenges? Tell us about it: who was involved and where did it happen
  4. What do you think about these trending body challenges?
  5. How do these body challenges make you feel about your body?

Date: 2/15/2019

Intro: This week we want to talk about how you feel about your body.

  1. How do you feel about the way your body looks?
  2. If you could choose the way your body looked, what would you want it to look like?
  3. If you could have the body of any celebrity, whose would you choose?
  4. What have you done to change how your body looks, if anything?

Date: 10/26/2018

  1. We want to know how things have changed since before the COVID-19 pandemic. How, if at all, has your body image changed? Tell us about it.
  2. How, if at all, has your relationship with food changed since before the pandemic?
  3. How, if at all, has your relationship with exercise changed since before the pandemic?
  4. Since the pandemic, have you changed your eating or exercise habits because you were worried about your weight/shape? Tell us about it.
  5. What have you seen people posting on social media about weight/shape during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do you think about these posts?

Date: 9/25/2020

  1. Have you ever heard of the body positivity movement or seen #bodypositive? Where?
  2. How would you define the body positivity movement? If you haven’t heard of it, just tell us what you think!
  3. How does seeing a body positive post on social media make you feel? Why?
  4. Do you think that body positivity on social media is helpful or harmful? Tell us more!

Date: 11/2/2018

  1. In some communities, adults are banning youth from accessing certain books by removing them from libraries, bookstores, and other places youth might access books. Have you heard of these policies?
  2. Do you think certain types of books should be banned for youth? Why or why not?
  3. How do you think book bans impact youth?
  4. Have you or anyone you know ever wanted to read a book and found out it was ​unavailable due to being banned? Tell us about it.
Date: 5/7/22
  1. This week’s questions are about breastfeeding. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of breastfeeding?
  2. Breastfeeding includes feeding a baby from the breast or pumped breast milk in a bottle. How do you think breastfeeding impacts babies?
  3. In what ways do you think breastfeeding impacts mothers?
  4. How do you think breastfeeding compares to formula feeding?
  5. Were you breastfed as a child? How do you feel about that?

Date: 9/6/2019

  1. How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
  2. Did you ask for your first phone or did you get it without asking?
  3. Why did you get your first cell phone?
  4. What do you think is the right age for someone to get their first cell phone? Why?
  5. What type of cell phone do you have now?

Dates: 12/27/2017 – 2/20/2018

  • We define civic engagement as doing activities that advance the public good, like voting, volunteering, and participating in community activities. Are you civically engaged? Tell us about it.
  • What do you think prevents people your age from being civically engaged?
  • What issues matter most to you when thinking about who you would vote for in a presidential election?
  • How do you think your future will be impacted by this upcoming presidential election?
  • There is a movement called Vote16USA that aims to lower the voting age to 16. What do you think of this? Why?
Date: 9/6/2024

Intro: This week’s Qs are about “clean eating,” an approach to eating that has been getting a lot of attention lately.

  1. Have you previously heard about “clean eating?” If so, how did you hear about it?
  2. How would you define “clean eating”?
  3. “Clean eating” usually means eating natural, whole foods, and strictly avoiding processed foods. Knowing that, what is your opinion of “clean eating”?
  4. Do you think “clean eating” is healthy or harmful? Tell us why.
  5. How likely would you be to try “clean eating” for yourself (1 = probably won’t try it; 2 = not sure; 3 = probably will try it)?

Date: 1/18/2019

  1. Are you worried about the environment? Why or why not?
  2. What do you do to protect the environment, if anything?
  3. Where have you learned the most about climate change?
  4. How has climate change affected you or your family?

Date: 2/8/2019

Intro: This week’s questions ask your thoughts about college. Whether you are in school or not, we want to hear your opinion.

  1. What are three things that might make it hard for you to go to college?
  2. How much student loan debt is ok to have for a college education? Why?
  3. Should college be free? Why or why not?
  4. How much do you expect to earn per year in your first full-time job?

Dates: 8/2/2017 – 1/20/2018

  1. Community resources are local places or services that help improve people’s lives. What resources do you have in your community?
  2. What are the most important community resources you feel like you need to live a safe and healthy life? Why?
  3. What community resources do you use most often? Why?
  4. What gets in the way of you using the resources in your community?
  5. What resources do you think are missing from your community? What makes you say that?

Date: 10/12/2018

Intro: We want to hear your thoughts about consent- meaning consent in a physical or sexual encounter.

  1. How would you define consent in a physical or sexual encounter?
  2. Are there situations when someone doesn’t need to give/get consent in a physical or sexual encounter? When?
  3. Can consent be nonverbal? If so, how?
  4. Is there ever a time when someone is too drunk or high to give consent? Tell us more.

Dates: 1/10/2018 – 3/6/2018

Intro: This week we’re going to talk about health insurance coverage of contraception (birth control). A 2014 policy requires that contraception be free for anyone with health insurance.

  1. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important)
  2. Has insurance coverage of contraception helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it!
  3. Time to vote! Would you keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why?

Dates: 10/18/2017 – 4/7/2018

  1. Reflecting on your experiences since March, what have you found most difficult about the COVID-19 pandemic? Why?
  2. What have you been doing to cope with the pandemic?
  3. What are you most worried about as the pandemic continues?
  4. What have you missed out on because of the pandemic and how has it affected you?
  5. Tell us about something good that has happened to you during the pandemic.

Date: 10/30/2020

  1. What do you know about coronavirus or COVID 19? Where did you hear that?
  2. How has the current coronavirus situation impacted you, if at all?
  3. Are you worried about coronavirus? Why or why not?
  4. Are you doing anything to prepare for coronavirus? If so, what?
  5. What do you think should be done to protect people from coronavirus?

Date: 3/6/2020

  1. A lot has been happening with coronavirus since we last asked and we wanted to check in again about your experiences with the pandemic. How has coronavirus affected your life?
  2. Are you worried about coronavirus? Why or why not?
  3. Are you doing anything to prepare for coronavirus? If so, what?
  4. What resources do you need right now? Are you able to get them?
  5. How have you been dealing with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your life?

Date: 3/20/2020

Intro: Politics have been in the news a lot since President Trump took office. We want to know how you are feeling about it all.

  1. Tell us how you think things are going overall in the US so far. What specific events or policies have made the biggest impression on you?
  2. How have you been feeling (emotionally/physically) since President Trump took office?
  3. Has the election inspired you to do anything new or different? Tell us about it!
  4. Have you felt stressed about politics? Tell us how you have dealt with it.

Dates: 8/23/17 – 2/10/2018

  1. Have you or anyone you know tested positive for COVID-19?
  2. What symptoms did you/they have? How long did the symptoms last?
  3. Some people do not fully recover from COVID-19 weeks or even months after first experiencing symptoms. Have you or anyone you know experienced any long-term symptoms like this? Tell us about it.
  4. Are you concerned about having long-term symptoms from COVID-19? Why or why not?

Date: 4/23/2021

  1. What have been your best moments from the past year?
  2. What have been your biggest challenges from the past year?
  3. What has surprised you about the past year?
  4. How do you feel your growth (personal, professional, etc.) has been impacted over the past year?
  5. How do you feel about your plans for the upcoming year? Why?

Date: 5/7/2021

  1. As the COVID-19 pandemic gets more under control, what are you looking forward to doing that you can\’t do now?
  2. As things go back to normal, what do you think should reopen first? Why?
  3. What do you think has gotten better during the pandemic and should stay the same?
  4. What do you think has gotten worse during the pandemic and should change?
  5. Is there anything you are worried about as things reopen?

Date: 4/2/2021

  1. What types of social gatherings do you avoid due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if any?
  2. In what types of social gatherings do you wear a mask, if any?
  3. What other "rules" do you have for yourself about social gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if any?
  4. When going to a social gathering, how do you determine what is safe or not safe?
Date: 11/12/2021
  1. What, if anything, would prompt you to get tested for COVID-19?
  2. Would you ever get tested for COVID-19 BEFORE a social gathering? Why?
  3. Would you ever get tested AFTER a social gathering? Why?
  4. Have you ever gotten tested for COVID-19? Why?
  5. Would access to free COVID-19 self-tests be helpful to you? Why or why not?
Date: 11/19/2021
  1. Have you heard about incentives for getting the COVID-19 vaccine (lotteries, scholarships, free stuff, etc.)? If yes, what have you heard of?
  2. Do you think incentives are a good idea? Why or why not?
  3. Did an incentive influence your decision about getting vaccinated? Tell us about it.
  4. If you have not gotten vaccinated against COVID-19, what would it take for you to get vaccinated?
  5. If someone you know has not gotten vaccinated, what would it take for them to get vaccinated?
Date: 10/22/2021
  1. When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, will you get it? Why or why not?
  2. Who do you think should have priority in getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
  3. Where would you go to get information about a COVID-19 vaccine? Why?
  4. What concerns, if any, do you have about getting a vaccine for COVID-19?
  5. Do you know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Date: 10/23/2020

  1. When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to you, will you get it? Why or why not?
  2. What concerns, if any, do you have about getting a COVID-19 vaccine?
  3. Do you think that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective? Why or why not?
  4. What would make it easier for you to get vaccinated once you are eligible?
  5. If you were to get vaccinated, would it change your behaviors/habits? How?

Date: 3/12/2021

  1. How important is dental health to you? Why?
  2. Since middle school, have you had any cavities? Tell us about it!
  3. What do you do to take care of your teeth?
  4. How often do you go to the dentist? What for?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your dental health?

Date: 5/14/2021

  1. There are many products and services that are marketed for weight loss. What types of weight loss products/services have you seen ads for? List as many as you can think of.
  2. Where are you most likely to see weight loss ads? (e.g., specific social media platforms, streaming services, apps, websites, TV, magazines, billboards, etc.)
  3. Have you ever changed your habits or purchased a weight loss product/service in response to seeing an ad? Tell us about it.
  4. What impact do you think weight loss ads have on people your age?
  5. Do you think ads for weight loss products/services should ever be restricted? If yes, in what circumstances?
Date: 1/14/2022
  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts on disabilities. How would you define a disability? Give some examples.
  2. A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Have you interacted with or known a person with a disability? Tell us about your experience.
  3. How do you feel when you see or encounter a stranger with a disability? Why?
  4. Should the government promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities? If yes, how?
  5. Do you consider yourself someone with a disability? If yes, tell us about your disability. We would love to hear about how it has impacted you.
Date: 10/4/2019
  1. Have you or a loved one recently been affected by a disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or wildfire? If yes, tell us about it.
  2. How likely do you think it is that you will experience a disaster in the next year? What do you think might happen?
  3. How prepared do you feel for a disaster? Tell us why.
  4. During a disaster in your local community, where would you get information on what to do?
  5. What are some steps you can take now to be ready for a disaster?
Date: 10/29/2021
  1. What are some things that take your attention away from the road while driving? If you don’t drive- what are things you have seen that distract drivers?
  2. What do you think about using a cell phone while driving?
  3. Does your state have a law against using a cell phone while driving? If yes, tell us about it.
  4. Hands-free laws typically make it illegal to hold a phone with your hands, arms, or shoulders while driving. How do you think these laws influence young people's phone use while driving?
  5. What do you think would help young people not use their phones while driving?
Date: 3/22/24
  1. This week we want to talk to you about eating disorders. Do you think eating disorders are mental health conditions? Why or why not?
  2. How would you compare the seriousness of eating disorders to other mental health conditions (depression/anxiety)?
  3. What do you think are the effects of having an eating disorder?
  4. How do you think people view others who have eating disorders?
  5. Most people with eating disorders never get treatment. Why do you think that is?

Date: 9/13/2019

  1. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost everyone because of stay-at-home orders. How has your school/work changed because of the pandemic?
  2. If you’ve had to make changes, what HAS NOT gone well with learning/ working?
  3. What HAS gone well with learning/ working?
  4. How have expectations for learning/ working changed for you?
  5. If stay-at-home orders were to continue or expand, what would you need to learn/work better?

Date: 5/8/2020

  1. This week is all about empowerment. What does the word empowerment mean to you?
  2. Empowerment is often defined as the ability to make informed decisions and be in control of your life. Do you feel empowered in important aspects of your life? Why or why not?
  3. Who or what makes you feel empowered and why?
  4. Fill in the blank: I would feel more empowered if…
  5. What, if anything, do you wish you felt empowered to achieve?

Date: 4/16/2021

  1. Movies and shows can influence our thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a positive way? How?
  2. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a negative way? How?
  3. Have you ever mimicked the behavior of a movie/show character? Tell us who and in what way.
  4. Are there any movies/shows that you think help prevent suicidal thoughts or behaviors for viewers? If yes, which movie/shows and why?
  5. Are there any movies/shows that you think promote suicidal thoughts or behaviors? If yes, which movie/shows and why?
Date: 4/14/23
  1. This week’s questions are about how different people are impacted by climate change. How do you think your future will be impacted by climate change, if at all?
  2. Are you worried about the impacts of climate change on your future (e.g. food access, extreme heat, floods, droughts)? Why or why not?
  3. Who should be responsible for ensuring that everyone in your community has fair and equal protection from the impacts of climate change? Why do you say that?
  4. What action can people your age take to ensure that everyone in your community is fairly and equally protected from the impacts of climate change?
Date: 3/15/24

Intro: We’re back again with more questions about chlamydia and gonorrhea- this time focused on treatment.

  1. If you had chlamydia or gonorrhea, how important would it be to YOU that you help your partner(s) gets treated? Why?
  2. Did you know that you may be able to get medication for your sexual partner(s) if you have an STI? (Your partner may not need to be seen by a doctor!)
  3. What do you think of this policy to get medications for your sexual partners?
  4. If you ever got chlamydia or gonorrhea, would you ask your doctor for medication to give to your partner(s)? Why or why not?
  5. What do you think would help get the word out about this policy?

Date: 8/24/2018

  1. What sort of things do you do to protect your eyes or your eyesight?
  2. What type of activities do you think put your eyes at risk for injury?
  3. Do you wear protective eyewear for your work, sports, or activities? Tell us about it.
  4. Have you ever had an eye injury? What happened?
  5. Sports like baseball, softball, ice hockey, basketball, and tennis are the main cause of eye injuries in people your age. Should eye protection be mandatory for some school sports? Why or why not?
Date: 4/28/23
  1. What, if anything, have you heard about fentanyl?
  2. Fentanyl is an ingredient in some pain medications and illegal drugs. How might people your age get access/exposed to fentanyl?
  3. Fentanyl is one of the most common drugs involved in overdose deaths. How can youth be protected from the dangers of fentanyl?
  4. Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can save the lives of those who are overdosing on opioids like...
  5. Where do you think Narcan should be available? Why?
Date: 4/26/24
  1. Do you ever eat more or less food than you want? Why?
  2. Do you ever eat different types of foods than you actually want? Why?
  3. How does the cost of food play a role in what you eat?
  4. When you were in elementary school, was your family able to afford the type and amount of food you wanted to eat? Tell us about it.
  5. How do you think your family’s ability to afford food when you were in elementary school affects how you eat now?

Date: 5/21/2021

  1. Many young people have limited access to healthy and affordable food. Have you experienced this? Tell us more.
  2. If you were worried about having enough food to eat, how would you get help?
  3. If you didn’t have access to food, what might keep you from seeking help?
  4. What impact does this issue (not having access to food) have on young people?
  5. In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access healthy food? If so, how?
Date: 4/17/2020
  • Many young people and their families have trouble affording healthy foods. Have you ever had trouble with this? Tell us about it.
  • How important is it to you to eat healthy foods? Why?
  • Do you think it's important for your doctor to know if you are having difficulty accessing healthy food? Why or why not?
  • Doctors worry they may make people feel uncomfortable by offering to help with accessing healthy foods. What is the best way for doctors to discuss this with patients?
  • Some doctors prescribe fruits and vegetables to help patients get FREE healthy foods. Would you use a prescription for fruits and vegetables? Why or why not?
Date: 10/11/2024
  1. What are your education/career goals for the future?
  2. Does thinking about your plans for the future make you feel stressed? Tell us about it!
  3. Who or what influences how stressed you feel (if at all) about the future?
  4. What are some ways (healthy or unhealthy) you manage stress about the future?
  5. How does stress about your future plans impact your relationships with others (family, friends, peers)?
Date: 6/3/22
  1. How do you feel when you think about your future (the next 5 years)? Why?
  2. How have your future plans been impacted by the COVID pandemic?
  3. Some people feel anxiety about their future. Has your level of anxiety about your future changed from before the COVID pandemic? How?
  4. What resources were available during the COVID pandemic to help you manage anxiety about your future?
  5. What would help support youth in managing anxiety about their future now?
Date: 12/2/22
  1. Let’s talk about video games (PC games, phone apps, internet games, xbox, etc). Are video games important to you? Why?
  2. About how many hours a day do you spend *watching* other people play video games (in person, YouTube, Twitch, etc)?
  3. What games are you playing/watching the most right now? Type “skip” if this doesn’t apply to you.
  4. Who do you play video games with (IRL friends, online friends, family, strangers, solo, etc)? Again, type “skip” if this doesn’t apply.

Date: 9/28/2018

  1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it.
  2. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not?
  3. What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better?
  4. What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why?
  5. In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why?
Date: 3/8/24
  1. What are your thoughts about having guns in your home?
  2. Do you think gun control laws would affect mass shootings? Why?
  3. Who, if anyone, should NOT be allowed to own guns?
  4. What do you think of laws that restrict the types of guns people can own?

Dates: 9/6/2017 – 2/24/2018

  1. This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why?
  2. What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you?
  3. What does carrying a handgun look like where you live?
  4. What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns?
  5. Tell us about the role of handguns in your family.
Date: 6/17/22
  1. Let’s talk handwashing. When do you think it’s important to wash your hands? Why?
  2. How important do you think handwashing is to your health? Why?
  3. Why might you NOT wash your hands, even when you think you should?
  4. How would you feel if people around you didn’t regularly wash their hands after using the bathroom? Why?

Date: 9/27/2019

  • What might help minimize overdoses and other negative impacts of drug use among young people?
  • Syringe service programs give sterile needles to people who inject street drugs to help prevent dangerous infections. What do you think about these types of programs? Why?
  • Testing strips allow people to see if the drug they plan to use has been laced with an additional substance. What do you think of programs that provide access to testing strips? Why?
  • Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can reverse opioid overdosing. What do you think of programs that provide access to Narcan? Why?
  • Where do you think these types of programs and resources should be available? Why?
Date: 10/18/2024
  1. What comes to mind when you hear the words "health research"?
  2. Findings from health research help us to understand diseases and to improve health. Have you ever looked for health research to learn about a specific problem? Tell us about it.
  3. Do you think it is important for young people to have access to health research that might affect them? Why or why not?
  4. What is the best way for the results of health research to be shared with you?
  5. What are health issues that affect you that you think need more research? Why?
Date: 5/12/23
  1. Healthcare includes seeing a doctor, going to the hospital, getting medicine, treatment, health insurance, etc. How do you feel about your access to healthcare? Tell us about it.
  2. Do you think most people in the United States have access to healthcare? Why or why not?
  3. What problems do you think YOUTH face in accessing healthcare?
  4. What do you think adults (parents, policymakers, healthcare providers, etc.) can do to make healthcare more accessible for youth?
  5. What role do you think youth could play in improving access to healthcare for youth in the future?
Date: 12/16/22

Intro: This week we want to talk about what healthcare providers can/cannot tell others about your health or healthcare (“confidentiality”). Text next to continue.

  1. Has any healthcare provider ever talked to you about confidentiality? What did they say?
  2. What do you think should be confidential about your healthcare? Why?
  3. Have you ever had a concern about confidentiality with your healthcare? Tell us about it!
  4. Does concern about confidentiality affect what you say or do when you are seeking healthcare? How?

Dates: 7/12/2017 – 12/30/2017

  1. Today we want to learn about how you use the healthcare system. When was your last doctor’s appointment?
  2. Who schedules your doctor’s appointments? Why?
  3. Who usually goes with you to your doctor’s appointments? Why?
  4. Who usually picks up your prescription medicine? Why?
  5. Do you wish that you were more or less involved in your healthcare? How?

Dates: 10/4/2017 – 3/24/2018

  1. How would you define “good healthcare” for people your age?
  2. If you were rating your doctor, what factors would you consider?
  3. Whose opinion should matter most in rating how well your doctor cares for you: yours, parents, insurance companies, others? Why?
  4. What would be the best 2 ways to collect your opinion on your doctor? (in-person, phone, text, email, online, paper survey, etc.)
  5. Doctors are sometimes paid based on the quality of care they provide. Did you know that?

Date: 8/30/2019

  1. What are the most important things you consider when choosing what to eat and drink?
  2. What things do you think make it hard for people your age to eat and drink healthy?
  3. How do marketing and advertisements impact your food and drink choices?
  4. Where would you go if you needed to know if a food was healthy (social media, apps, websites, etc.)?
  5. If you could speak to leaders about making healthy foods and drinks more available for people your age, what would you tell them?
Date: 7/1/22
  1. “What’s love got to do with it?” Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
  2. What do you look for in a romantic partner?
  3. Give us an example of a couple in a healthy romantic relationship. What makes it healthy?
  4. How do you know when a romantic relationship is unhealthy?
  5. If you found out a friend was in an unhealthy relationship, what would you do?

Dates: 1/31/2018 – 3/27/2018

  1. Imagine it's possible to test yourself at home for sexually transmitted infections (STIs; chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas) for free via a urine sample or vaginal swab. If you needed testing, would you use this free home testing?
  2. If it costs the same, would you prefer being tested for STIs at home or in-person? Why?
  3. How would you like to receive your home STI test kit if you needed one (mailed, pick up at clinic/school/doctor's office/pharmacy, some other way)? Why?
  4. What, if anything, would make you uncomfortable using home STI testing?
  5. Do you feel confident that you could correctly collect a urine sample at home if you were given instructions? Why or why not?
  6. If you have a vagina, do you feel confident that you could correctly collect a vaginal swab at home if you were given instructions? Why or why not?
Date: 4/15/22
  1. If you needed to be tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), what would prevent you from using a home-based STI test?
  2. What would make home-based STI testing a good option for you?
  3. Would you feel comfortable returning your sample by mail in a pre-paid envelope? Why or why not?
  4. How many days would you be willing to wait for the results of a home-based STI test?
  5. Would you be willing to pay for a home-based STI test kit if you needed it? If yes, how much would you be willing to pay?
Date: 4/22/22
  1. Many young people struggle to find a safe and affordable place to live. Have you experienced this? Tell us more.
  2. If you were in need of housing, how would you get help?
  3. If you didn’t have access to housing, what might keep you from seeking help?
  4. In your opinion, how does this issue (not having access to housing) impact young people?
  5. In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access housing? If so, how?

Date: 5/1/2020

  1. Home is where the ____ is! What features are important to you when choosing a town, city, or place to live?
  2. Is there a specific place (city, state, country) that has those characteristics? Tell us about it.
  3. What about turn-offs? What characteristics would make you NOT want to live somewhere?
  4. Do you want to live in the place(s) where you grew up? Why or why not?

Dates: 11/15/2017 – 5/5/2018

  1. I pay. You pay. What the heck is a copay? When it comes to health insurance, what do you know about copays?
  2. There are also these things called health insurance deductibles. Tell us what you know about them!
  3. Have you heard of health insurance premiums? What are they?
  4. A few more quick questions. Do you have health insurance? What kind?
  5. If you have insurance, how do you find out what your health insurance covers?

Dates: 10/11/2017 – 3/31/2018

  1. We want to know how kids should learn about physical intimacy (hugging, kissing, sex, etc.). Tell us how you learned about intimacy.
  2. What is the right age to start talking about intimacy? Why?
  3. Who do you think should teach youth about it? Why?
  4. How do you wish it was taught to you?
  5. How would you teach it to your child (if you had one)?

Date: 3/22/2019

  1. This week is all about Juul. Have you ever heard of Juul?
  2. Why do you think people your age Juul?
  3. Do you think Juuling is dangerous? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think Juuling leads to using alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs? Why or why not?
  5. Juul is an e-cigarette that delivers nicotine. Do you think people younger than 21 years old should be allowed to Juul? Tell us your thoughts on this!

Date: 1/25/2019

Intro: Today we want to ask you about your thoughts on the juvenile justice system.

  1. When youth commit a crime, the juvenile justice system determines what happens to them. What do you know about this system?
  2. What should happen to youth when they break the law?
  3. What do you think the job of the juvenile justice system should be?
  4. Should adults and youth be treated the same when they commit a crime? Why or why not?

Date: 2/1/2019

  1. What do you think of when you hear the term "computer science"?
  2. Computer science is the study of computers, including coding algorithms (instructions computers follow), hardware/software design, and their impacts on society. Have you been exposed to computer science in Kindergarten-12th grade (K12)? Tell us about it.
  3. How important do you think skills in computer science are to your future? Why?
  4. Do you think a class in computer science should be a K12 graduation requirement? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think you had sufficient access to computer science education in K12? Why or why not?
Date: 4/29/22
  • Which organ of your body do you know the most about? Where did you learn about this organ?
  • What, if anything, have you heard about kidneys and what they do in your body?
  • Kidneys are organs that do a lot: filter waste out of blood, make urine, regulate blood pressure and electrolytes, and keep bones and red blood cell counts healthy. What questions do you have about kidneys and what they do?
  • Do you think people your age should be taught more about kidney health? Why or why not?
  • Do you know anyone with kidney disease? Tell us about it.
Date: 10/4/2024
  1. This week we want to hear about what it means to be a thriving young person. Describe what it would look like to live your best life.
  2. Tell us about something or someone that helps you live your best life.
  3. Specifically, what could your school do to help you live your best life? (now or in the past)
  4. What keeps you from living your best life, if anything?

Date: 8/2/2019

Intro: We want your thoughts on marijuana. As states take steps to legalize marijuana, it’s important to hear the voices of young/future voters (that’s you)!

  1. Is marijuana use legal in your community? How do you know?
  2. Do you think it should be legal to use marijuana? Why?
  3. If marijuana were legal, how would this affect people your age?
  4. How important are marijuana laws to you? (1=Not at all important, 5=Very Important)

Dates: 2/7/2018 – 4/3/2018

  1. What do you think about using marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions?
  2. What do you think about young people using marijuana to manage stress or anxiety?
  3. What do you think ​a​re the risks of using marijuana during adolescence, if any?
  4. Which marijuana topics are most important for young people to know about? (Ex: effects on driving, brain development, mental health, pregnancy, learning/memory, safe storage, drinking while smoking, addiction risk, poison safety, peer pressure, other).
  5. What is your preferred way to receive information about the health effects of using marijuana?
Date: 6/24/22
  1. What do you think about the use of marijuana (smoking, edibles, etc.) during pregnancy?
  2. What do you think are the risks of using marijuana during pregnancy?
  3. Do you think healthcare providers should talk about marijuana use with people who are pregnant? Why or why not?
  4. How do you think regular marijuana use (at least once per week) impacts a parent's ability to care for a child?
  5. Do you think marijuana use during pregnancy should be considered child neglect/abuse? Why or why not?
Date: 5/27/22
  1. Do you feel knowledgeable about menstruation (i.e., periods)? Why or why not?
  2. Have you ever had a conversation with somebody about periods? Give us an example.
  3. Do you feel comfortable discussing periods with others? Why or why not?
  4. Some people have problems accessing period products (tampons, pads, etc.). Have you or someone you know experienced this?
  5. How do you feel about programs or policies that make period products easier to get (given out free at schools, sold without tax, etc.)?
Date: 12/3/2021
  1. When we asked MyVoicers about health care, a lot of people brought up mental health. Is mental health care important to you? Tell us more!
  2. Many people experience emotional and mental health concerns. How would you know when to seek help for an emotional or mental health concern?
  3. Who would you want to talk to about it? Why?
  4. What are the reasons that people your age might NOT seek care for an emotional or mental health concern?
  5. What’s one thing that could improve mental health among people your age?

Date: 10/19/2018

Intro: We want to hear your opinion about health insurance coverage of mental health treatment. A 2010 policy requires that people with health insurance get free mental health treatment.

  1. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important)
  2. Has insurance coverage of mental health treatment helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it!
  3. It’s voting time! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why?

Dates: 11/29/2017 – 5/19/2018

  1. We learned from you that stigma (judgement/embarrassment) plays a role in youth mental health issues. Who or what makes youth feel this stigma? Why?
  2. How does stigma affect someone’s ability to get help for mental health issues?
  3. What would make it easier for youth to get help for mental health issues?
  4. What do you think YOUTH could do to decrease stigma around mental health issues?
  5. What do you think ADULTS could do to decrease stigma around mental health issues?

Date: 3/29/2019

  1. We want to hear your thoughts about nutrition information on menus. What are some places you go to that have nutrition info listed?
  2. What information do you notice is listed and where? Text “skip” if you haven’t seen any nutrition information.
  3. Have you found this information useful when choosing what to eat or drink? Tell us more!
  4. If you could choose what nutrition information was listed, what would you like to see?

Dates: 1/3/2018 – 2/27/2018

  1. This week is all about music. How important is music to your life? Why?
  2. Do you make music/play an instrument? Tell us about it.
  3. What are the reasons you listen to music?
  4. How does music influence your relationships with others?
Date: 1/7/2022
  1. How did you hear about MyVoice?
  2. Why did you sign up for MyVoice?
  3. What can MyVoice do to recruit more youth from different backgrounds?
  4. How should MyVoice share the results from our weekly polls with you?
  5. Have you ever talked with others about MyVoice?  Tell us about it.
Date: 4/12/24
  1. This week we want to talk about why you joined MyVoice. What motivates you to answer our questions each week?
  2. What do you think participants gain from being in MyVoice?
  3. Some participants don’t answer every week. How do you decide which questions to answer?
  4. What do you think MyVoice could do better?
  5. Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future?
Date: 9/20/2019
  1. First, we’re curious: What motivates you to answer our questions each week?
  2. In your opinion, what do people gain from participating in MyVoice?
  3. Think of someone your age who might also want to join MyVoice. What would encourage them to sign up?
  4. What would keep people from participating in MyVoice?
  5. Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future?
Dates: 9/20/2017 – 3/10/2018  
  1. MyVoice wants to know how being in nature affects you! First, what do you think of when you hear the word “nature”?
  2. No matter how you define “nature,” we want to know how you spend your time in it. How do you interact with nature in your life? Send us a pic!
  3. How does being in nature affect how you feel physically?
  4. How does being in nature affect how you feel emotionally/ mentally?
  5. Thinking about how much time you spend in nature now, do you wish you could spend more or less time in nature? Why?

Date: 9/11/2020

  • New Year, New Administration. After this year's election, how are you feeling? Why?
  • What policy changes are you hoping to see? Why?
  • What policy changes are you worried about? Why?
  • What do policymakers/leaders need to know about you or your family to better serve you moving forward?
Date: 11/22/2024

Intro: We want to know what you think about nonprescription products for weight loss like dietary supplements, laxatives and diet pills.

  1. Do you think these types of nonprescription products for weight loss work? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think it is safe for people your age to take nonprescription products for weight loss? Why or why not?
  3. Should it be legal to sell nonprescription products for weight loss to people under 18 years old? Why or why not?

Dates: 8/16/2017  – 2/3/2018

  1. Bullying and harassment are common on social media. Have you or someone you know been bullied or harassed on social media? Tell us about it.
  2. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, what would make you personally feel better?
  3. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, which of the following would feel like a fair resolution: private apology via dm, public apology, deleted posts, banning them, support from friends, something else?
  4. If someone experiences bullying or harassment, which social media companies do you trust to achieve a fair resolution for you? Why?
  5. Have you or someone you know bullied or harassed other people on social media? What happened and why?

Date: 8/23/2019

  1. COVID-19 has changed so much in our lives. During the pandemic, how have you or your family been getting groceries (in-person, pick-up, delivery)? Why?
  2. If you or your family have shopped for groceries online during the pandemic, was it pick-up or delivery? How did it go?
  3. During the pandemic, have you or your family changed the types of food you are buying (more/less snacks, fruits, vegetables, etc.)? Tell us about it.
  4. Do you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area?
  5. Do you or anyone in your household receive SNAP benefits (also known as food stamps)?

Date: 11/6/2020

  1. We’re here with some questions about pain medications. Have you ever taken a prescription pain medication? Tell us about it.
  2. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use prescription pain medication that was NOT prescribed to you? Why?
  3. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use a prescription pain medication that WAS prescribed to you? Why?
  4. Could you get prescription pain medications from somewhere other than your doctor? Where?
  5. When you hear the word “opioid,” what do you think of?

Dates: 12/13/2017 – 6/2/2018

  1. A recent study showed that very few youth use protection (condoms/dental dams) during oral sex. Why do you think this is?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how risky do you think it is to have oral sex without protection? (1-Not risky at all, 5- Very risky)
  3. What do you think are the risks (if any) to not using protection during oral sex?
  4. What might help more people use protection during oral sex?

Date: 3/1/2019

  1. This week we want to know what you would look for when choosing a doctor. What characteristics are important to you, if any? Why?
  2. Is it important that you have similar characteristics to your doctor (age, gender, race/ethnicity, disability, background, personality, etc.)?  If so, what characteristics?
  3. When would being similar to your doctor be important? Specifically, for what type of healthcare visits?
  4. How would being similar to your doctor impact what you say or do during your visit?
  5. If you were in a situation where you felt uncomfortable with your doctor, what could they do to make you feel more comfortable?

Date: 4/10/2020

  1. This week’s topic is related to sexual health. Do you think HIV is a problem in your community? Why or why not?
  2. What methods have you heard of to prevent getting HIV?
  3. PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a daily medication that prevents HIV transmission. Have you heard of PrEP? If so, from where?
  4. Who do you think would benefit from taking PrEP?
  5. What do you think keeps people who need PrEP from taking it?

Date: 4/3/2020

Intro: This week is all about you. We want to hear your thoughts on the meaning or purpose in your life.

  1. Do you ever think about the meaning or purpose of your life? If yes, how often?
  2. What gives your life meaning or purpose? Tell us as much as you can!
  3. On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = “very unclear” 4 = “very clear”), how clear is your meaning or purpose in life?
  4. Who or what encourages you to think about your meaning or purpose in life?
  5. Do you wish you had more help in finding meaning or purpose in your life? What would be helpful?

Dates: 11/1/2017 – 4/21/2018

  1. Do you think racism is a problem in your life? Why or why not?
  2. How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you mentally/emotionally?
  3. How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you physically?
  4. Have you experienced or witnessed racism while receiving healthcare? If so, what happened?
  5. Do you think healthcare providers should address racism when providing care? If so, what should they do?

Date: 4/30/2021

  1. This week we want to hear about the role your race/ethnicity plays in your life. What does your race/ethnicity mean to you?
  2. What do you think MOST people think about your racial/ethnic group?
  3. How does how other people view your race affect you?
  4. Have you experienced or witnessed racism? Tell us about it.
  5. How do you think you or people your age can deal with negative experiences related to racism?

Date: 3/15/2019

  1. Let’s talk about love! Name the most romantic thing someone has done for you or you have done for someone.
  2. What made it romantic?
  3. Picture the person that makes you go “heart eyes”. What makes them special to you?
  4. We see couples in real life, media and on TV who inspire us. Who are your #relationshipgoals? Tell us why.
  5. How many people do you hope to truly love in your lifetime? Why?

Date: 3/8/2019

Intro: Can’t stop, won’t stop (using your phone)? We wanna hear about the downsides of using your cell phone.

  1. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation because you were busy using your cell phone? Tell us about it.
  2. Do you think it’s safe to drive and use your cell phone at the same time? Tell us more.
  3. What could you do to make your own cell phone use safer?
  4. Do you know what the local law is for cell phone use while driving? What is it?

Dates: 1/24/2018 – 3/20/2018

  • This week is about architecture! We want to learn how the indoor and outdoor spaces at high schools affect how people feel in school. If you are out of high school, tell us about when you were in high school. What do you LIKE about the buildings and outdoor spaces at your high school? Why?
  • What do you NOT like about the buildings and outdoor spaces at your high school? Why?
  • Describe the indoor/outdoor space in your high school where you feel most comfortable, like to hang out, or feel a sense of belonging. Tell us about the space and why it makes you feel that way.
  • Describe the indoor/outdoor space in your high school where you feel most UNcomfortable, avoid spending time, or feel like you don't belong. Tell us about the space and why it makes you feel that way.
  • If you were designing a high school to help all students feel like they belong in their school community, what would you include? (Examples: layout, outdoor spaces, places to do certain activities, decorations, furniture, etc.)
Date: 9/20/2024
  • This week is about expectations for how you do in school (currently or in the past). What expectations have YOU had for how you do in school? Why?
  • What expectations have your PARENTS/GUARDIANS had for how you do in school? Why?
  • How have your parents'/guardians' expectations related to school influenced your wellbeing?
  • What would you change, if anything, about your parents/guardians' expectations for how you did in school? Why?
  • In what ways, if any, were your parents/guardians supportive of what you chose to study in school? Tell us about it.
Date: 11/15/2024
  1. This week’s questions are about health education in school (Kindergarten through 12th grade). How do/did you feel about your health education in school? Tell us about it.
  2. What topics were covered in your health education in school?
  3. Health education can include topics related to physical health, mental health, and sexual health. What do you wish you had learned in health education in school?
  4. Outside of school, where did you learn about health?
  5. How do you think schools could make health education better?
Date: 12/9/22
  1. The purpose of school health programs is to keep students healthy and ready to learn at school. What does/did your school do to help students stay physically and mentally healthy?
  2. What could your school do to better meet the physical and mental health needs of students?
  3. What does/did your school nurse do well?
  4. Why might some people not connect with their school nurse?
  5. What could help school nurses better meet students' needs (i.e., website, app, blog, polls, etc.)?
Date: 11/11/22
  1. Help your lunch lady! We want to learn your thoughts on school lunches. Do (or did) you eat school lunch in grades K-12?
  2. Why not? OR What do (or did) you like about it?
  3. If there were laws for what school lunches had to include or exclude, what do you think they should be?
  4. Who do you think should decide what schools serve for lunch? Why?

Dates: 12/20/2017 – 2/13/2018

  1. Many of us spend significant time in front of screens (computer, phone, tv, etc.). How much time do you spend in front of a screen each day? Is this more, less, or the same as before COVID?
  2. What do you use your screens for?
  3. What do you consider meaningful screen use? Is this different than before the pandemic?
  4. Do you try to limit your screen time? Why?
  5. How does screen use impact other areas of your life?

Date: 3/26/2021

  1. This week we want to talk about self-care. Self-care is different for everyone, but in general, it involves doing things for your own well-being. How important is self-care to you? Why?
  2. How do you care for your physical health?
  3. How do you care for your mental health?
  4. What are ways you care for your relationships?
  5. What are your goals for self-care in the coming year?
Date: 12/17/2021
  1. This week is about what you think doctors should teach youth about sex. Do you think doctors should talk to youth about sex? Why or why not?
  2. Have you had a conversation about sex with your doctor? What was the conversation about?
  3. How do you think doctors should talk to youth about sex?
  4. What are the most important things that doctors should tell youth about sex?
  5. What do you think doctors should NOT say to youth about sex?

Date: 4/5/2019

  1. How old were you when you first learned about sex?
  2. Where or from whom have you learned the most about sex?
  3. What is the most important thing you learned from sexual education at school?
  4. What questions do you have about sex?

Dates: 9/13/2017 – 3/3/2018

  1. The media talks a lot about sexting but we want to get your take. First, what do you think sexting means?
  2. In your opinion, how often do people your age send naked or semi-naked photos using a cell phone?
  3. Do you think it is ok to send naked or semi-naked photos using a cell phone? Why or why not?
  4. When would receiving a naked or semi-naked photo make you uncomfortable? Why?

Dates: 8/30/2017 – 2/17/2018

  1. Sexual assault has been in the news quite a bit recently. How would you define sexual assault?
  2. Is sexual assault an issue people your age worry about? Tell us about it.
  3. What do you think can be done to eliminate sexual assault in your community?

Dates: 2/14/2018 – 4/10/2018

  1. Alright, so first we want to talk about sleep. Do you feel that you get enough sleep?
  2. What keeps you from getting enough sleep?
  3. How important do you think sleep is to your health? Why?
  4. How many hours of sleep do you get on an average weeknight?
  5. Experts recommend that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. What do you think about that?

Dates: 7/5/2017 – 12/23/2017

  1. Factors in the environments where we live, learn, work, and play can affect our health. Examples include housing, food, education, safety, transportation, discrimination, etc. What factors are most important to your health?
  2. If you had a problem related to any of these factors, what might prevent you from seeking or receiving help?
  3. Do you think it is important for your doctor or medical team to ask you about these factors? Why or why not?
  4. If you had a problem related to any of these factors, how would you want your doctor or medical team to help?
  5. How would you want your doctor or medical team to communicate with you about resources or services that could help you with these problems (e.g. text, email, handout, phone call, in-person etc.)?

Date: 3/5/2021

  1. Public health officials are asking people to practice “social distancing” during the COVID pandemic (stay at least 6 ft from others, not gather in groups, avoid crowded places). Are you social distancing? Why or why not?
  2. How has social distancing negatively impacted your life?
  3. How has social distancing positively impacted your life?
  4. Have you or someone you know broken social distancing rules? Why?
  5. What would you say or do to encourage friends to practice social distancing?

Date: 4/24/2020

  1. We want to know how you use social media. List the types of social media you use most.
  2. Do you find yourself checking your social media without realizing it? Describe the scenario!
  3. Have you ever felt like you should cut down on your social media use? What made you feel this way?
  4. Have people annoyed you by commenting on how often you use social media? Tell us about it!
  5. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your social media use? What happened?
  6. Is checking your social media the first thing you do in the morning?

Dates: 12/6/2017 – 5/26/2018

  • This week's questions are about the body-related content you see on social media. What body-related content have you seen recently on social media?
  • What body-related content do you purposefully look for on social media?
  • How does the body-related content you see on social media affect how you feel about your body?
  • What lifestyle changes have you made, if any, because of body-related content on social media? Tell us about why you did or didn't make a change.
  • If anything were possible, what social media features would improve your experience with body-related content? Why?
Date: 11/8/2024
  1. We’d like your opinion on how social media influencers talk about products like detox teas, diet pills, fat burners, and weight loss supplements. Have you seen posts like these? If so, what have you seen?
  2. Do you think social media influencers use the detox or weight loss products that they promote (never, sometimes, always)? Why do you think that?
  3. Do you think social media influencers promote detox or weight loss products that they actually dislike? Why do you think that?
  4. Have you used any detox or “cleanse” products (e.g. detox teas, gummies) in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)?
  5. How about weight loss products (e.g. laxatives, diet pills), have you used any of these products in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)?

Date: 3/27/2020

Intro: We want to talk about how social media is used for advice/inspiration about health or fitness.

  1. Do you ever use social media for advice/inspiration about health or fitness? If yes, which platforms do you use (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc) and who do you follow?
  2. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel good about the way you look.
  3. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel bad about the way you look.

Dates: 3/7/2018 – 5/1/2018

  1. This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)?
  2. What benefits do you get from social media?
  3. How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media?
  4. Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself.
Date: 1/5/24
  1. This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events?
  2. How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it.
  3. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life.
  4. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself.
Date: 1/12/24
  1. Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media?
  2. Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why?
  3. How does using social media make you feel? Why?
  4. Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use?
Date: 11/13/2020
  1. Have you ever taken a standardized college entrance exam like the SAT/PSAT or ACT? Tell us about your experience.
  2. Should colleges and universities require standardized testing for admissions? Why or why not?
  3. Other than standardized test scores, what do you think is the best way for colleges/universities to evaluate applicants for admission?
  4. How has standardized testing impacted your health or the health of those around you?
  5. What do you think could be done to reduce stress related to college entrance exams?
Date: 4/19/24

Intro: Now we want to ask about coverage for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Right now, screening and treatment for STIs is free for anyone who has health insurance.

  1. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important)
  2. Has insurance coverage of STIs helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it!
  3. Now it’s time to vote! Would you keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why?

Dates: 10/25/2017 – 4/14/2018

Intro: We want to talk about chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

  1. Would it be hard for you to get TESTED for chlamydia or gonorrhea if you wanted to? Why or why not?
  2. If you tested positive, would it be hard for you to get TREATED for chlamydia or gonorrhea? Why or why not?
  3. If you thought you had chlamydia or gonorrhea, where would you go to get treatment?
  4. If you got chlamydia or gonorrhea would you tell your sexual partner(s)? Why or why not?

Date: 8/17/2018

  1. Why do you think people your age use stimulants that ARE NOT prescribed to them?
  2. Do you think stimulants work? If yes, what do you think they do?
  3. What are the risks of using stimulants that are NOT prescribed to you, if any?
  4. How many people your age do you think use stimulants that are NOT prescribed to them? How do they get them?

Date: 2/22/2019

Intro: We have questions for you about health insurance coverage of treatment for substance abuse. This includes alcohol and drug use. Right now, treatment for substance abuse is free for anyone who has health insurance.
  1. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important)
  2. Has coverage of substance use disorders helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it!
  3. Time to vote! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why?
Dates: 11/22/2017 – 5/12/2018
  1. This week is about substance use (juul/vaping, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think substance use among people your age has changed during the pandemic (same/less/more)?
  2. What do you think are some reasons substance use has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all?
  3. How do you think access to substances has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all?
  4. Do you think the pandemic has affected the use of one type of substance more than others? If yes, how?

Date: 5/15/2020

  1. This week we want to talk to you about sun protection. How important do you think it is to protect your skin from the sun? Why?
  2. When do you protect yourself from the sun?
  3. How do you protect yourself from the sun?
  4. How many red, painful, or peeling sunburns have you had in your life: None, Few (1-4), Many (5+)? If so, have they ever blistered?
  5. What could be done to encourage more people to use sun protection?

Date: 4/9/2021

  1. This week’s questions are about an issue related to the environment. What, if anything, have you heard about the impact of food on the environment?
  2. Have you ever changed what you eat or drink because you were concerned about the impact on the environment? How so?
  3. Do you ever feel guilty about eating certain foods because of the impact on the environment? Tell us about it.
  4. Have you seen online content about the impact of food on the environment? What have you seen?
  5. Where else have you learned about the impact of food on the environment? Tell us more.
Date: 4/5/24
  1. Telemedicine is when a doctor provides care for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Have you ever heard of telemedicine?
  2. Is telemedicine something you think you would use? Why or why not?
  3. Have you or anyone you know ever used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for?
  5. What kinds of health issues would you rather see a doctor in person for?
Date: 10/18/2019
  1. Telemedicine is when a healthcare provider cares for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you or anyone you know used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  2. If you were to use telemedicine to see a healthcare provider, would you prefer a phone call or video visit? Why?
  3. How effective do you think telemedicine is compared to an in-person visit? Why do you say that?
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view on telemedicine, if at all?
Date: 10/9/2020
  1. This week is about reproductive health services like STI testing, contraception, prenatal care, etc.  What types of services for youth should the government help pay for? Why?
  2. The federal government recently changed their rules on funding reproductive health services (Title X). Have you heard about this change?
  3. Clinics that get government funding for reproductive health services cannot use it to provide abortions. Now, these clinics will not get funding if they DISCUSS abortions. What do you think about this?
  4. Will this change impact you or anyone you know? How?

Date: 10/11/2019

  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts about tobacco and related products. How old do you think you need to be to buy cigarettes, e-cigarettes (Juul, vape pens, etc.) and other tobacco products?
  2. There is a new federal law that restricts the sale of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to people age 21 and over. Have you heard of this?
  3. How do you think this new law impacts how people your age get these products?
  4. Do you think this law will prevent people under the age of 21 from using cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products? Why or why not?
  5. Are there other nicotine-containing products that people your age use besides cigarettes and e-cigs? Tell us about them.

Date: 9/18/2020

  1. We want to know what you think about tobacco products like cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juul, and hookah. Why do you think people your age use these products?
  2. Do you think people your age should have the choice to use these products? Why or why not?
  3. Where do people your age get tobacco products?
  4. At what age do you think people should be able to buy these products? Why?
  5. Would you support a law that limits the sale of tobacco products to people age 21 and up? Why or why not?

Date: 8/31/2018

  1. Have you seen any warnings about the harms of smoking cigarettes recently? Where?
  2. Do you think that ads about the harms of smoking cigarettes could keep young people from *starting* to smoke? Why?
  3. Do you think ads could encourage young people to *quit* smoking cigarettes? Why?
  4. Describe the kind of ads you think would work best to keep young people from smoking.

Dates: 1/17/2018 – 3/13/2018

  1. There is a debate in some states about which bathroom transgender people are allowed to use. Have you heard about this?
  2. What this means is that a person who was born a female but identifies as a male can only use female bathrooms and vice versa. What do you think about this? OR What do you think about this issue?
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how important is this issue to you? (1-not important at all; 5-extremely important)

Dates: 7/26/2017 – 1/13/2018

  1. Did you compete in competitive sports in high school or college (e.g. school team, AAU, travel teams, etc.)? Tell us about it.
  2. Do you think transgender people should play competitive sports based on their gender identity or their sex assigned at birth? Why?
  3. Do you know anyone who wasn't allowed to play sports due to their gender identity? What happened?
  4. How do you think it impacts cisgender (not transgender) people, if trans people are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity?
  5. How do you think it impacts trans people, if they are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity?
Date: 12/10/2021
  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts on voting. Did you vote in the last election? Why?
  2. Do you plan on voting in the next election? Why?
  3. On a scale of 1-5 (1= very easy, 5= very hard), how easy or hard do you think it is for people to vote? Why?
  4. What do you think keeps 18-24 year olds from voting?
  5. How could these issues be improved?

Dates: 11/8/2017 – 4/28/2018

  1. Let’s talk voting! In an election, what are the issues that are the most important to you?
  2. Who or what influences where you stand on these issues?
  3. Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not?
  4. Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard?

Date: 2/28/2020

  1. As we approach Election Day in November, we want to hear more about your thoughts on voting (even if you can’t vote). What are the issues that are the most important to you?
  2. Who or what influences where you stand on these issues?
  3. Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not?
  4. Are there recent events that have impacted your opinion on voting? What happened and how did it impact your opinion?
  5. Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard?

Date: 9/4/2020

  1. This week's questions are about school bullying. What do you think are common reasons students bully or tease others?
  2. Have you ever seen someone being bullied or teased because of their weight? Tell us about it.
  3. Why do you think students bully or tease others about their weight?
  4. What do you think schools can do to stop weight-related bullying and teasing?
  5. Do you think anti-bullying policies at schools should specifically include weight-related bullying and teasing? Why or why not?
Date: 11/4/22
  1. Has a doctor ever talked to you about weight?
  2. What did she or he say?
  3. What should a doctor NOT say when talking about weight
  4. What do you think of when you hear the word “obese”?

Dates: 7/19/2019 – 1/6/2018

  1. Young people may feel pressure for their bodies to look a certain way. Where or who do you think this pressure comes from?
  2. How do you deal with pressures related to body weight, shape, and size?
  3. How should parents/caregivers support their children with these pressures?
  4. Has your parent/caregiver ever tried to talk to you about your body weight, shape, or size? Tell us about it.
  5. If you had to give advice to a parent/caregiver about how to talk to their children about body weight, shape, and size, what would you recommend?
Date: 4/21/23
  1. There has been a lot in the media lately about medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, etc. Have you heard of these medications? What have you heard?
  2. Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are sometimes used for weight loss. Do you know anyone who has taken these medications? Tell us about it.
  3. Do you think people your age should take these medications to lose weight? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think is the impact of media content (news, social media, podcasts, etc.) about these medications?
  5. What information do you wish was available to people your age about these medications?
  1. Do you have a caring adult you can talk to besides your parents/guardians? If yes, tell us about them.
  2. Some organizations partner young people with adults to work together on social issues that impact adolescents and young adults. Have you worked with an organization like this? Tell us about it.
  3. Are you interested in being involved in an organization like this? Why or why not?
  4. What are some of the benefits (or downsides) of young people and adults working together on social issues?
  5. What is the best way for organizations that work with young people to connect with you about what they do?
Date: 6/10/22
  1. What, if anything, is happening in the world that makes you feel anxious?
  2. Who do you talk to about the things that make you feel anxious, if anyone?
  3. How do you manage your anxieties about the world?
  4. How does social media impact how you feel about things happening in the world?
  5. Tell us about something that gives you hope for the future.
Date: 10/21/2022, 10/25/2024
  1. This week is about family caregiving (taking care of an adult relative). Have you ever had to do that?
  2. Describe a time when you or someone in your family took care of an adult relative.
  3. How do you feel about potentially taking care of an adult relative?
  4. How do you think taking care of an adult relative would impact your educational or career goals?
  5. What would help you prepare to take care of an adult relative in the future?

Date: 8/28/2020

  1. Do you think you\’ll get COVID-19 in the next few months? Tell us why.
  2. If you got COVID-19, how do you think it would impact your life?
  3. If you got COVID-19, how concerned would you be about spreading it to others? Tell us why.
  4. How often do you wear a mask/face covering when you are near people you don\’t live with? (Always, most of the time, some of the time, rarely, never).
  5. What influences whether or not you wear a mask/face covering when you are near people you don\’t live with?

Date: 7/17/2020

  1. How important is your eyesight compared to other aspects of your health? Why?
  2. Have you ever had trouble with your eyesight? Tell us about it.
  3. Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? If yes, do you still wear them? Why or why not?
  4. What are reasons why people your age don't wear glasses even if they need them?
  5. If you needed glasses, how would you feel about getting them online?
Date: 11/5/2021
  1. Do your parents/guardians currently pay any expenses for you? If yes, what do they help with (school, food, insurance, rent, spending money, etc.)?
  2. When do you think parents/guardians should stop supporting their children financially?
  3. How comfortable do you feel managing your own money? Why?
  4. Do you consider yourself financially independent? Why or why not?
  5. What financial goals do you have for the next 5 years?
Date: 11/18/22
  1. We are exposed to so much media (news, tv/movies, radio/podcasts, social media, etc.) every day. Have you heard of media literacy? What do you think it is?
  2. Media literacy is defined as thinking critically about media messages and their effects on us (fake news, body image, stereotypes, bias, etc.). What, if anything, have you learned about media literacy, and from whom?
  3. How media literate do you consider yourself? Why?
  4. One part of media literacy is thinking about who is represented in the media. All people have multiple identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.). How are people who share your identities portrayed in the media?
  5. Which identities do you want to see more of in the media? Why?

Date: 10/2/2020

  1. We want to learn about problems facing people your age. What are the biggest problems you’re facing right now?
  2. Tell us how you deal with those problems.
  3. What are some of the good things happening in your life right now?
  4. What would make your life better?

Dates: 8/9/2017 – 1/27/2018

  1. This week is about stress and resilience. When you are stressed, what do you do (both healthy and unhealthy) to manage the stress?
  2. Resilience means adapting to challenges/ongoing stress. Who or what helps you to be resilient when facing challenges?
  3. Tell us about a specific time where you showed resilience. What did you learn?
  4. What would help you or people your age to be more resilient?
  5. Sometimes things in your community or in society can get in the way of resilience. What makes it harder for you to be resilient?

Date: 10/16/2020

  1. Did you participate in sports growing up? If yes, for how long?
  2. Would you have liked to spend more time in sports? If so, what got in the way?
  3. Do you think playing sports is important? Why or why not?
  4. What might help more youth participate in sports?

Dates: 9/27/2017 – 3/17/2018

  1. Going from being a kid to an adult can be a big change. What has this transition been like for you? Why?
  2. What has been hard about this transition?
  3. What has been good about this time in your life?
  4. What would make this transition easier?
  5. What advice would you give your younger self to help you through this transition?

Date: 10/5/2018

  • What are reasons some people under the age of 21 drink alcohol?
  • Do you think people under 21 should be allowed to drink alcohol? Why or why not?
  • Zero proof alcohol drinks are drinks like beer, wine, and liquor that are made without alcohol or with the alcohol removed/reduced to almost zero. What have you heard about these, if anything?
  • Do you think people under the age of 21 should be allowed to buy zero proof alcohol drinks? Why or why not?
  • How might access to zero proof alcohol drinks influence alcohol drinking behaviors of young people?
Date: 11/1/2024
This week's questions are about abortion. Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. When you think about abortion, what comes to mind? Where do people your age get information about accessing abortion? The federal government and many state governments may soon change the rules on what abortions are legal. What kind of changes to abortion access have you heard about? How do you feel about these potential changes to abortion access? Why? What factors do people your age consider when deciding whether or not to have an abortion? Date: 5/20/22 The Supreme Court has removed federal protections for abortion, and now states will decide which abortions are legal. What kind of changes to abortion access have you heard about? How do you think this change impacts young people's decisions about sex (such as decisions to have sex or not, to use birth control, what kind of birth control to use, etc.)? Who in your life would you go to for support if you or a partner needed an abortion? If you or a partner had to travel out of state for an abortion, what would you need to make this possible? If you needed to find information online about getting an abortion, what specific websites or social media accounts would you look at? Date: 7/8/22 It’s been a few months since the overturning of Roe v Wade. No matter where you stand, we want to hear from you. Many states are changing which abortions are legal. What changes to abortion access have you noticed for young people in your state? How do you feel about these changes to abortion access? Why? Tell us about a conversation you’ve had recently about abortion. Who did you talk to and what did you talk about? Do you think minors (under 18 years old) should be allowed to make decisions about having an abortion without involving their parents/guardians? Why or why not? Some people look for abortion-related information online. How do you decide if the information you see online is trustworthy? Date: 10/28/22
Where do you go for a health problem you can’t solve on your own (family doctor, ER, urgent care, school clinic etc.)? Why do you go there? Do you have a regular doctor you go to for check-ups or when you feel sick? If you don’t have a regular doctor, why not? Do you think it’s important to have a regular doctor you go to for check-ups or when you feel sick? Why or why not? How could your doctor’s office make your visits easier? Have you had a bad experience with a doctor or clinic visit? What happened? Date: 9/14/2018
This week is about guns and safety. Tell us about how gun violence affects you. Does/did your school have active shooter drills? What happens during an active shooter drill? How do active shooter drills make you feel? Do you think active shooter drills make schools safer? Why or why not? Date: 8/16/2019
This week we want to get your thoughts on drinking alcohol. What do you think counts as binge drinking? Did you know that binge drinking means drinking 4 + drinks for women and 5 + drinks for men in 2 hours? What do you think about that? What percentage of people your age do you think binge drink? Why do you think people your age binge drink? What do you think are the greatest risks of binge drinking? Date: 9/21/2018
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences with prescribed contraception/birth control (pills, shots, IUDs, etc.). How has social media affected your thoughts about these types of birth control? What are reasons why sexually active people your age might not use prescribed birth control? Have you or anyone you know had trouble getting prescribed birth control? What happened? Sometimes people feel pressure from others to use or not use prescribed birth control. Has this ever happened to you or someone you know? Tell us about it. Access to abortion has changed in the last year for many people. How has this changed your interest in using prescribed birth control, if at all? Date: 5/19/23 This week we want to hear what you think about contraception/birth control. What comes to mind when you think of birth control? Tell us how you first learned about contraception/birth control. What questions do you have about birth control? (Can’t think of anything now? What questions have you had in the past?) If you had questions about birth control today, where would you look for an answer? Is there someone you trust to ask about stuff like this? Who? Dates: 2/21/2018 – 4/17/2018
Intro: This week is about trending body challenges: when you check to see if your body part can look a certain way (ex: thigh gap). List all the body challenges you know of! Where did you hear about these challenge(s)? Have you, or someone you know, tried any of these challenges? Tell us about it: who was involved and where did it happen What do you think about these trending body challenges? How do these body challenges make you feel about your body? Date: 2/15/2019
Intro: This week we want to talk about how you feel about your body. How do you feel about the way your body looks? If you could choose the way your body looked, what would you want it to look like? If you could have the body of any celebrity, whose would you choose? What have you done to change how your body looks, if anything? Date: 10/26/2018
We want to know how things have changed since before the COVID-19 pandemic. How, if at all, has your body image changed? Tell us about it. How, if at all, has your relationship with food changed since before the pandemic? How, if at all, has your relationship with exercise changed since before the pandemic? Since the pandemic, have you changed your eating or exercise habits because you were worried about your weight/shape? Tell us about it. What have you seen people posting on social media about weight/shape during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do you think about these posts? Date: 9/25/2020
Have you ever heard of the body positivity movement or seen #bodypositive? Where? How would you define the body positivity movement? If you haven’t heard of it, just tell us what you think! How does seeing a body positive post on social media make you feel? Why? Do you think that body positivity on social media is helpful or harmful? Tell us more! Date: 11/2/2018
In some communities, adults are banning youth from accessing certain books by removing them from libraries, bookstores, and other places youth might access books. Have you heard of these policies? Do you think certain types of books should be banned for youth? Why or why not? How do you think book bans impact youth? Have you or anyone you know ever wanted to read a book and found out it was ​unavailable due to being banned? Tell us about it. Date: 5/7/22
This week’s questions are about breastfeeding. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of breastfeeding? Breastfeeding includes feeding a baby from the breast or pumped breast milk in a bottle. How do you think breastfeeding impacts babies? In what ways do you think breastfeeding impacts mothers? How do you think breastfeeding compares to formula feeding? Were you breastfed as a child? How do you feel about that? Date: 9/6/2019
How old were you when you got your first cell phone? Did you ask for your first phone or did you get it without asking? Why did you get your first cell phone? What do you think is the right age for someone to get their first cell phone? Why? What type of cell phone do you have now? Dates: 12/27/2017 – 2/20/2018
We define civic engagement as doing activities that advance the public good, like voting, volunteering, and participating in community activities. Are you civically engaged? Tell us about it. What do you think prevents people your age from being civically engaged? What issues matter most to you when thinking about who you would vote for in a presidential election? How do you think your future will be impacted by this upcoming presidential election? There is a movement called Vote16USA that aims to lower the voting age to 16. What do you think of this? Why? Date: 9/6/2024
Intro: This week’s Qs are about “clean eating,” an approach to eating that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Have you previously heard about “clean eating?” If so, how did you hear about it? How would you define “clean eating”? “Clean eating” usually means eating natural, whole foods, and strictly avoiding processed foods. Knowing that, what is your opinion of “clean eating”? Do you think “clean eating” is healthy or harmful? Tell us why. How likely would you be to try “clean eating” for yourself (1 = probably won’t try it; 2 = not sure; 3 = probably will try it)? Date: 1/18/2019
Are you worried about the environment? Why or why not? What do you do to protect the environment, if anything? Where have you learned the most about climate change? How has climate change affected you or your family? Date: 2/8/2019
Intro: This week’s questions ask your thoughts about college. Whether you are in school or not, we want to hear your opinion. What are three things that might make it hard for you to go to college? How much student loan debt is ok to have for a college education? Why? Should college be free? Why or why not? How much do you expect to earn per year in your first full-time job? Dates: 8/2/2017 – 1/20/2018
Community resources are local places or services that help improve people’s lives. What resources do you have in your community? What are the most important community resources you feel like you need to live a safe and healthy life? Why? What community resources do you use most often? Why? What gets in the way of you using the resources in your community? What resources do you think are missing from your community? What makes you say that? Date: 10/12/2018
Intro: We want to hear your thoughts about consent- meaning consent in a physical or sexual encounter. How would you define consent in a physical or sexual encounter? Are there situations when someone doesn’t need to give/get consent in a physical or sexual encounter? When? Can consent be nonverbal? If so, how? Is there ever a time when someone is too drunk or high to give consent? Tell us more. Dates: 1/10/2018 – 3/6/2018
Intro: This week we’re going to talk about health insurance coverage of contraception (birth control). A 2014 policy requires that contraception be free for anyone with health insurance. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important) Has insurance coverage of contraception helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it! Time to vote! Would you keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why? Dates: 10/18/2017 – 4/7/2018
Reflecting on your experiences since March, what have you found most difficult about the COVID-19 pandemic? Why? What have you been doing to cope with the pandemic? What are you most worried about as the pandemic continues? What have you missed out on because of the pandemic and how has it affected you? Tell us about something good that has happened to you during the pandemic. Date: 10/30/2020
What do you know about coronavirus or COVID 19? Where did you hear that? How has the current coronavirus situation impacted you, if at all? Are you worried about coronavirus? Why or why not? Are you doing anything to prepare for coronavirus? If so, what? What do you think should be done to protect people from coronavirus? Date: 3/6/2020 A lot has been happening with coronavirus since we last asked and we wanted to check in again about your experiences with the pandemic. How has coronavirus affected your life? Are you worried about coronavirus? Why or why not? Are you doing anything to prepare for coronavirus? If so, what? What resources do you need right now? Are you able to get them? How have you been dealing with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your life? Date: 3/20/2020
Intro: Politics have been in the news a lot since President Trump took office. We want to know how you are feeling about it all. Tell us how you think things are going overall in the US so far. What specific events or policies have made the biggest impression on you? How have you been feeling (emotionally/physically) since President Trump took office? Has the election inspired you to do anything new or different? Tell us about it! Have you felt stressed about politics? Tell us how you have dealt with it. Dates: 8/23/17 – 2/10/2018
Have you or anyone you know tested positive for COVID-19? What symptoms did you/they have? How long did the symptoms last? Some people do not fully recover from COVID-19 weeks or even months after first experiencing symptoms. Have you or anyone you know experienced any long-term symptoms like this? Tell us about it. Are you concerned about having long-term symptoms from COVID-19? Why or why not? Date: 4/23/2021
What have been your best moments from the past year? What have been your biggest challenges from the past year? What has surprised you about the past year? How do you feel your growth (personal, professional, etc.) has been impacted over the past year? How do you feel about your plans for the upcoming year? Why? Date: 5/7/2021
As the COVID-19 pandemic gets more under control, what are you looking forward to doing that you can\’t do now? As things go back to normal, what do you think should reopen first? Why? What do you think has gotten better during the pandemic and should stay the same? What do you think has gotten worse during the pandemic and should change? Is there anything you are worried about as things reopen? Date: 4/2/2021
What types of social gatherings do you avoid due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if any? In what types of social gatherings do you wear a mask, if any? What other "rules" do you have for yourself about social gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, if any? When going to a social gathering, how do you determine what is safe or not safe? Date: 11/12/2021
What, if anything, would prompt you to get tested for COVID-19? Would you ever get tested for COVID-19 BEFORE a social gathering? Why? Would you ever get tested AFTER a social gathering? Why? Have you ever gotten tested for COVID-19? Why? Would access to free COVID-19 self-tests be helpful to you? Why or why not? Date: 11/19/2021
Have you heard about incentives for getting the COVID-19 vaccine (lotteries, scholarships, free stuff, etc.)? If yes, what have you heard of? Do you think incentives are a good idea? Why or why not? Did an incentive influence your decision about getting vaccinated? Tell us about it. If you have not gotten vaccinated against COVID-19, what would it take for you to get vaccinated? If someone you know has not gotten vaccinated, what would it take for them to get vaccinated? Date: 10/22/2021
When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, will you get it? Why or why not? Who do you think should have priority in getting a COVID-19 vaccine? Where would you go to get information about a COVID-19 vaccine? Why? What concerns, if any, do you have about getting a vaccine for COVID-19? Do you know anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Date: 10/23/2020 When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to you, will you get it? Why or why not? What concerns, if any, do you have about getting a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you think that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective? Why or why not? What would make it easier for you to get vaccinated once you are eligible? If you were to get vaccinated, would it change your behaviors/habits? How? Date: 3/12/2021
How important is dental health to you? Why? Since middle school, have you had any cavities? Tell us about it! What do you do to take care of your teeth? How often do you go to the dentist? What for? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your dental health? Date: 5/14/2021
There are many products and services that are marketed for weight loss. What types of weight loss products/services have you seen ads for? List as many as you can think of. Where are you most likely to see weight loss ads? (e.g., specific social media platforms, streaming services, apps, websites, TV, magazines, billboards, etc.) Have you ever changed your habits or purchased a weight loss product/service in response to seeing an ad? Tell us about it. What impact do you think weight loss ads have on people your age? Do you think ads for weight loss products/services should ever be restricted? If yes, in what circumstances? Date: 1/14/2022
This week we want to hear your thoughts on disabilities. How would you define a disability? Give some examples. A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Have you interacted with or known a person with a disability? Tell us about your experience. How do you feel when you see or encounter a stranger with a disability? Why? Should the government promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities? If yes, how? Do you consider yourself someone with a disability? If yes, tell us about your disability. We would love to hear about how it has impacted you. Date: 10/4/2019
Have you or a loved one recently been affected by a disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or wildfire? If yes, tell us about it. How likely do you think it is that you will experience a disaster in the next year? What do you think might happen? How prepared do you feel for a disaster? Tell us why. During a disaster in your local community, where would you get information on what to do? What are some steps you can take now to be ready for a disaster? Date: 10/29/2021
What are some things that take your attention away from the road while driving? If you don’t drive- what are things you have seen that distract drivers? What do you think about using a cell phone while driving? Does your state have a law against using a cell phone while driving? If yes, tell us about it. Hands-free laws typically make it illegal to hold a phone with your hands, arms, or shoulders while driving. How do you think these laws influence young people's phone use while driving? What do you think would help young people not use their phones while driving? Date: 3/22/24
This week we want to talk to you about eating disorders. Do you think eating disorders are mental health conditions? Why or why not? How would you compare the seriousness of eating disorders to other mental health conditions (depression/anxiety)? What do you think are the effects of having an eating disorder? How do you think people view others who have eating disorders? Most people with eating disorders never get treatment. Why do you think that is? Date: 9/13/2019
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost everyone because of stay-at-home orders. How has your school/work changed because of the pandemic? If you’ve had to make changes, what HAS NOT gone well with learning/ working? What HAS gone well with learning/ working? How have expectations for learning/ working changed for you? If stay-at-home orders were to continue or expand, what would you need to learn/work better? Date: 5/8/2020
This week is all about empowerment. What does the word empowerment mean to you? Empowerment is often defined as the ability to make informed decisions and be in control of your life. Do you feel empowered in important aspects of your life? Why or why not? Who or what makes you feel empowered and why? Fill in the blank: I would feel more empowered if… What, if anything, do you wish you felt empowered to achieve? Date: 4/16/2021
Movies and shows can influence our thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a positive way? How? Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a negative way? How? Have you ever mimicked the behavior of a movie/show character? Tell us who and in what way. Are there any movies/shows that you think help prevent suicidal thoughts or behaviors for viewers? If yes, which movie/shows and why? Are there any movies/shows that you think promote suicidal thoughts or behaviors? If yes, which movie/shows and why? Date: 4/14/23
This week’s questions are about how different people are impacted by climate change. How do you think your future will be impacted by climate change, if at all? Are you worried about the impacts of climate change on your future (e.g. food access, extreme heat, floods, droughts)? Why or why not? Who should be responsible for ensuring that everyone in your community has fair and equal protection from the impacts of climate change? Why do you say that? What action can people your age take to ensure that everyone in your community is fairly and equally protected from the impacts of climate change? Date: 3/15/24
Intro: We’re back again with more questions about chlamydia and gonorrhea- this time focused on treatment. If you had chlamydia or gonorrhea, how important would it be to YOU that you help your partner(s) gets treated? Why? Did you know that you may be able to get medication for your sexual partner(s) if you have an STI? (Your partner may not need to be seen by a doctor!) What do you think of this policy to get medications for your sexual partners? If you ever got chlamydia or gonorrhea, would you ask your doctor for medication to give to your partner(s)? Why or why not? What do you think would help get the word out about this policy? Date: 8/24/2018
What sort of things do you do to protect your eyes or your eyesight? What type of activities do you think put your eyes at risk for injury? Do you wear protective eyewear for your work, sports, or activities? Tell us about it. Have you ever had an eye injury? What happened? Sports like baseball, softball, ice hockey, basketball, and tennis are the main cause of eye injuries in people your age. Should eye protection be mandatory for some school sports? Why or why not? Date: 4/28/23
What, if anything, have you heard about fentanyl? Fentanyl is an ingredient in some pain medications and illegal drugs. How might people your age get access/exposed to fentanyl? Fentanyl is one of the most common drugs involved in overdose deaths. How can youth be protected from the dangers of fentanyl? Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can save the lives of those who are overdosing on opioids like... Where do you think Narcan should be available? Why? Date: 4/26/24
Do you ever eat more or less food than you want? Why? Do you ever eat different types of foods than you actually want? Why? How does the cost of food play a role in what you eat? When you were in elementary school, was your family able to afford the type and amount of food you wanted to eat? Tell us about it. How do you think your family’s ability to afford food when you were in elementary school affects how you eat now? Date: 5/21/2021
Many young people have limited access to healthy and affordable food. Have you experienced this? Tell us more. If you were worried about having enough food to eat, how would you get help? If you didn’t have access to food, what might keep you from seeking help? What impact does this issue (not having access to food) have on young people? In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access healthy food? If so, how? Date: 4/17/2020
Many young people and their families have trouble affording healthy foods. Have you ever had trouble with this? Tell us about it. How important is it to you to eat healthy foods? Why? Do you think it's important for your doctor to know if you are having difficulty accessing healthy food? Why or why not? Doctors worry they may make people feel uncomfortable by offering to help with accessing healthy foods. What is the best way for doctors to discuss this with patients? Some doctors prescribe fruits and vegetables to help patients get FREE healthy foods. Would you use a prescription for fruits and vegetables? Why or why not? Date: 10/11/2024
What are your education/career goals for the future? Does thinking about your plans for the future make you feel stressed? Tell us about it! Who or what influences how stressed you feel (if at all) about the future? What are some ways (healthy or unhealthy) you manage stress about the future? How does stress about your future plans impact your relationships with others (family, friends, peers)? Date: 6/3/22
How do you feel when you think about your future (the next 5 years)? Why? How have your future plans been impacted by the COVID pandemic? Some people feel anxiety about their future. Has your level of anxiety about your future changed from before the COVID pandemic? How? What resources were available during the COVID pandemic to help you manage anxiety about your future? What would help support youth in managing anxiety about their future now? Date: 12/2/22
Let’s talk about video games (PC games, phone apps, internet games, xbox, etc). Are video games important to you? Why? About how many hours a day do you spend *watching* other people play video games (in person, YouTube, Twitch, etc)? What games are you playing/watching the most right now? Type “skip” if this doesn’t apply to you. Who do you play video games with (IRL friends, online friends, family, strangers, solo, etc)? Again, type “skip” if this doesn’t apply. Date: 9/28/2018
Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not? What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better? What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why? In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why? Date: 3/8/24
What are your thoughts about having guns in your home? Do you think gun control laws would affect mass shootings? Why? Who, if anyone, should NOT be allowed to own guns? What do you think of laws that restrict the types of guns people can own? Dates: 9/6/2017 – 2/24/2018
This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why? What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you? What does carrying a handgun look like where you live? What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns? Tell us about the role of handguns in your family. Date: 6/17/22
Let’s talk handwashing. When do you think it’s important to wash your hands? Why? How important do you think handwashing is to your health? Why? Why might you NOT wash your hands, even when you think you should? How would you feel if people around you didn’t regularly wash their hands after using the bathroom? Why? Date: 9/27/2019
What might help minimize overdoses and other negative impacts of drug use among young people? Syringe service programs give sterile needles to people who inject street drugs to help prevent dangerous infections. What do you think about these types of programs? Why? Testing strips allow people to see if the drug they plan to use has been laced with an additional substance. What do you think of programs that provide access to testing strips? Why? Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can reverse opioid overdosing. What do you think of programs that provide access to Narcan? Why? Where do you think these types of programs and resources should be available? Why? Date: 10/18/2024
What comes to mind when you hear the words "health research"? Findings from health research help us to understand diseases and to improve health. Have you ever looked for health research to learn about a specific problem? Tell us about it. Do you think it is important for young people to have access to health research that might affect them? Why or why not? What is the best way for the results of health research to be shared with you? What are health issues that affect you that you think need more research? Why? Date: 5/12/23
Healthcare includes seeing a doctor, going to the hospital, getting medicine, treatment, health insurance, etc. How do you feel about your access to healthcare? Tell us about it. Do you think most people in the United States have access to healthcare? Why or why not? What problems do you think YOUTH face in accessing healthcare? What do you think adults (parents, policymakers, healthcare providers, etc.) can do to make healthcare more accessible for youth? What role do you think youth could play in improving access to healthcare for youth in the future? Date: 12/16/22
Intro: This week we want to talk about what healthcare providers can/cannot tell others about your health or healthcare (“confidentiality”). Text next to continue. Has any healthcare provider ever talked to you about confidentiality? What did they say? What do you think should be confidential about your healthcare? Why? Have you ever had a concern about confidentiality with your healthcare? Tell us about it! Does concern about confidentiality affect what you say or do when you are seeking healthcare? How? Dates: 7/12/2017 – 12/30/2017
Today we want to learn about how you use the healthcare system. When was your last doctor’s appointment? Who schedules your doctor’s appointments? Why? Who usually goes with you to your doctor’s appointments? Why? Who usually picks up your prescription medicine? Why? Do you wish that you were more or less involved in your healthcare? How? Dates: 10/4/2017 – 3/24/2018
How would you define “good healthcare” for people your age? If you were rating your doctor, what factors would you consider? Whose opinion should matter most in rating how well your doctor cares for you: yours, parents, insurance companies, others? Why? What would be the best 2 ways to collect your opinion on your doctor? (in-person, phone, text, email, online, paper survey, etc.) Doctors are sometimes paid based on the quality of care they provide. Did you know that? Date: 8/30/2019
What are the most important things you consider when choosing what to eat and drink? What things do you think make it hard for people your age to eat and drink healthy? How do marketing and advertisements impact your food and drink choices? Where would you go if you needed to know if a food was healthy (social media, apps, websites, etc.)? If you could speak to leaders about making healthy foods and drinks more available for people your age, what would you tell them? Date: 7/1/22
“What’s love got to do with it?” Have you ever been in a romantic relationship? What do you look for in a romantic partner? Give us an example of a couple in a healthy romantic relationship. What makes it healthy? How do you know when a romantic relationship is unhealthy? If you found out a friend was in an unhealthy relationship, what would you do? Dates: 1/31/2018 – 3/27/2018
Imagine it's possible to test yourself at home for sexually transmitted infections (STIs; chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas) for free via a urine sample or vaginal swab. If you needed testing, would you use this free home testing? If it costs the same, would you prefer being tested for STIs at home or in-person? Why? How would you like to receive your home STI test kit if you needed one (mailed, pick up at clinic/school/doctor's office/pharmacy, some other way)? Why? What, if anything, would make you uncomfortable using home STI testing? Do you feel confident that you could correctly collect a urine sample at home if you were given instructions? Why or why not? If you have a vagina, do you feel confident that you could correctly collect a vaginal swab at home if you were given instructions? Why or why not? Date: 4/15/22 If you needed to be tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), what would prevent you from using a home-based STI test? What would make home-based STI testing a good option for you? Would you feel comfortable returning your sample by mail in a pre-paid envelope? Why or why not? How many days would you be willing to wait for the results of a home-based STI test? Would you be willing to pay for a home-based STI test kit if you needed it? If yes, how much would you be willing to pay? Date: 4/22/22
Many young people struggle to find a safe and affordable place to live. Have you experienced this? Tell us more. If you were in need of housing, how would you get help? If you didn’t have access to housing, what might keep you from seeking help? In your opinion, how does this issue (not having access to housing) impact young people? In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access housing? If so, how? Date: 5/1/2020
Home is where the ____ is! What features are important to you when choosing a town, city, or place to live? Is there a specific place (city, state, country) that has those characteristics? Tell us about it. What about turn-offs? What characteristics would make you NOT want to live somewhere? Do you want to live in the place(s) where you grew up? Why or why not? Dates: 11/15/2017 – 5/5/2018
I pay. You pay. What the heck is a copay? When it comes to health insurance, what do you know about copays? There are also these things called health insurance deductibles. Tell us what you know about them! Have you heard of health insurance premiums? What are they? A few more quick questions. Do you have health insurance? What kind? If you have insurance, how do you find out what your health insurance covers? Dates: 10/11/2017 – 3/31/2018
We want to know how kids should learn about physical intimacy (hugging, kissing, sex, etc.). Tell us how you learned about intimacy. What is the right age to start talking about intimacy? Why? Who do you think should teach youth about it? Why? How do you wish it was taught to you? How would you teach it to your child (if you had one)? Date: 3/22/2019
This week is all about Juul. Have you ever heard of Juul? Why do you think people your age Juul? Do you think Juuling is dangerous? Why or why not? Do you think Juuling leads to using alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs? Why or why not? Juul is an e-cigarette that delivers nicotine. Do you think people younger than 21 years old should be allowed to Juul? Tell us your thoughts on this! Date: 1/25/2019
Intro: Today we want to ask you about your thoughts on the juvenile justice system. When youth commit a crime, the juvenile justice system determines what happens to them. What do you know about this system? What should happen to youth when they break the law? What do you think the job of the juvenile justice system should be? Should adults and youth be treated the same when they commit a crime? Why or why not? Date: 2/1/2019
What do you think of when you hear the term "computer science"? Computer science is the study of computers, including coding algorithms (instructions computers follow), hardware/software design, and their impacts on society. Have you been exposed to computer science in Kindergarten-12th grade (K12)? Tell us about it. How important do you think skills in computer science are to your future? Why? Do you think a class in computer science should be a K12 graduation requirement? Why or why not? Do you think you had sufficient access to computer science education in K12? Why or why not? Date: 4/29/22
Which organ of your body do you know the most about? Where did you learn about this organ? What, if anything, have you heard about kidneys and what they do in your body? Kidneys are organs that do a lot: filter waste out of blood, make urine, regulate blood pressure and electrolytes, and keep bones and red blood cell counts healthy. What questions do you have about kidneys and what they do? Do you think people your age should be taught more about kidney health? Why or why not? Do you know anyone with kidney disease? Tell us about it. Date: 10/4/2024
This week we want to hear about what it means to be a thriving young person. Describe what it would look like to live your best life. Tell us about something or someone that helps you live your best life. Specifically, what could your school do to help you live your best life? (now or in the past) What keeps you from living your best life, if anything? Date: 8/2/2019
Intro: We want your thoughts on marijuana. As states take steps to legalize marijuana, it’s important to hear the voices of young/future voters (that’s you)! Is marijuana use legal in your community? How do you know? Do you think it should be legal to use marijuana? Why? If marijuana were legal, how would this affect people your age? How important are marijuana laws to you? (1=Not at all important, 5=Very Important) Dates: 2/7/2018 – 4/3/2018
What do you think about using marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions? What do you think about young people using marijuana to manage stress or anxiety? What do you think ​a​re the risks of using marijuana during adolescence, if any? Which marijuana topics are most important for young people to know about? (Ex: effects on driving, brain development, mental health, pregnancy, learning/memory, safe storage, drinking while smoking, addiction risk, poison safety, peer pressure, other). What is your preferred way to receive information about the health effects of using marijuana? Date: 6/24/22
What do you think about the use of marijuana (smoking, edibles, etc.) during pregnancy? What do you think are the risks of using marijuana during pregnancy? Do you think healthcare providers should talk about marijuana use with people who are pregnant? Why or why not? How do you think regular marijuana use (at least once per week) impacts a parent's ability to care for a child? Do you think marijuana use during pregnancy should be considered child neglect/abuse? Why or why not? Date: 5/27/22
Do you feel knowledgeable about menstruation (i.e., periods)? Why or why not? Have you ever had a conversation with somebody about periods? Give us an example. Do you feel comfortable discussing periods with others? Why or why not? Some people have problems accessing period products (tampons, pads, etc.). Have you or someone you know experienced this? How do you feel about programs or policies that make period products easier to get (given out free at schools, sold without tax, etc.)? Date: 12/3/2021
When we asked MyVoicers about health care, a lot of people brought up mental health. Is mental health care important to you? Tell us more! Many people experience emotional and mental health concerns. How would you know when to seek help for an emotional or mental health concern? Who would you want to talk to about it? Why? What are the reasons that people your age might NOT seek care for an emotional or mental health concern? What’s one thing that could improve mental health among people your age? Date: 10/19/2018
Intro: We want to hear your opinion about health insurance coverage of mental health treatment. A 2010 policy requires that people with health insurance get free mental health treatment. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important) Has insurance coverage of mental health treatment helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it! It’s voting time! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why? Dates: 11/29/2017 – 5/19/2018
We learned from you that stigma (judgement/embarrassment) plays a role in youth mental health issues. Who or what makes youth feel this stigma? Why? How does stigma affect someone’s ability to get help for mental health issues? What would make it easier for youth to get help for mental health issues? What do you think YOUTH could do to decrease stigma around mental health issues? What do you think ADULTS could do to decrease stigma around mental health issues? Date: 3/29/2019
We want to hear your thoughts about nutrition information on menus. What are some places you go to that have nutrition info listed? What information do you notice is listed and where? Text “skip” if you haven’t seen any nutrition information. Have you found this information useful when choosing what to eat or drink? Tell us more! If you could choose what nutrition information was listed, what would you like to see? Dates: 1/3/2018 – 2/27/2018
This week is all about music. How important is music to your life? Why? Do you make music/play an instrument? Tell us about it. What are the reasons you listen to music? How does music influence your relationships with others? Date: 1/7/2022
How did you hear about MyVoice? Why did you sign up for MyVoice? What can MyVoice do to recruit more youth from different backgrounds? How should MyVoice share the results from our weekly polls with you? Have you ever talked with others about MyVoice?  Tell us about it. Date: 4/12/24 This week we want to talk about why you joined MyVoice. What motivates you to answer our questions each week? What do you think participants gain from being in MyVoice? Some participants don’t answer every week. How do you decide which questions to answer? What do you think MyVoice could do better? Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future? Date: 9/20/2019 First, we’re curious: What motivates you to answer our questions each week? In your opinion, what do people gain from participating in MyVoice? Think of someone your age who might also want to join MyVoice. What would encourage them to sign up? What would keep people from participating in MyVoice? Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future? Dates: 9/20/2017 – 3/10/2018  
MyVoice wants to know how being in nature affects you! First, what do you think of when you hear the word “nature”? No matter how you define “nature,” we want to know how you spend your time in it. How do you interact with nature in your life? Send us a pic! How does being in nature affect how you feel physically? How does being in nature affect how you feel emotionally/ mentally? Thinking about how much time you spend in nature now, do you wish you could spend more or less time in nature? Why? Date: 9/11/2020
New Year, New Administration. After this year's election, how are you feeling? Why? What policy changes are you hoping to see? Why? What policy changes are you worried about? Why? What do policymakers/leaders need to know about you or your family to better serve you moving forward? Date: 11/22/2024
Intro: We want to know what you think about nonprescription products for weight loss like dietary supplements, laxatives and diet pills. Do you think these types of nonprescription products for weight loss work? Why or why not? Do you think it is safe for people your age to take nonprescription products for weight loss? Why or why not? Should it be legal to sell nonprescription products for weight loss to people under 18 years old? Why or why not? Dates: 8/16/2017  – 2/3/2018
Bullying and harassment are common on social media. Have you or someone you know been bullied or harassed on social media? Tell us about it. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, what would make you personally feel better? If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, which of the following would feel like a fair resolution: private apology via dm, public apology, deleted posts, banning them, support from friends, something else? If someone experiences bullying or harassment, which social media companies do you trust to achieve a fair resolution for you? Why? Have you or someone you know bullied or harassed other people on social media? What happened and why? Date: 8/23/2019
COVID-19 has changed so much in our lives. During the pandemic, how have you or your family been getting groceries (in-person, pick-up, delivery)? Why? If you or your family have shopped for groceries online during the pandemic, was it pick-up or delivery? How did it go? During the pandemic, have you or your family changed the types of food you are buying (more/less snacks, fruits, vegetables, etc.)? Tell us about it. Do you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? Do you or anyone in your household receive SNAP benefits (also known as food stamps)? Date: 11/6/2020
We’re here with some questions about pain medications. Have you ever taken a prescription pain medication? Tell us about it. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use prescription pain medication that was NOT prescribed to you? Why? When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use a prescription pain medication that WAS prescribed to you? Why? Could you get prescription pain medications from somewhere other than your doctor? Where? When you hear the word “opioid,” what do you think of? Dates: 12/13/2017 – 6/2/2018
A recent study showed that very few youth use protection (condoms/dental dams) during oral sex. Why do you think this is? On a scale of 1 to 5, how risky do you think it is to have oral sex without protection? (1-Not risky at all, 5- Very risky) What do you think are the risks (if any) to not using protection during oral sex? What might help more people use protection during oral sex? Date: 3/1/2019
This week we want to know what you would look for when choosing a doctor. What characteristics are important to you, if any? Why? Is it important that you have similar characteristics to your doctor (age, gender, race/ethnicity, disability, background, personality, etc.)?  If so, what characteristics? When would being similar to your doctor be important? Specifically, for what type of healthcare visits? How would being similar to your doctor impact what you say or do during your visit? If you were in a situation where you felt uncomfortable with your doctor, what could they do to make you feel more comfortable? Date: 4/10/2020
This week’s topic is related to sexual health. Do you think HIV is a problem in your community? Why or why not? What methods have you heard of to prevent getting HIV? PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a daily medication that prevents HIV transmission. Have you heard of PrEP? If so, from where? Who do you think would benefit from taking PrEP? What do you think keeps people who need PrEP from taking it? Date: 4/3/2020
Intro: This week is all about you. We want to hear your thoughts on the meaning or purpose in your life. Do you ever think about the meaning or purpose of your life? If yes, how often? What gives your life meaning or purpose? Tell us as much as you can! On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = “very unclear” 4 = “very clear”), how clear is your meaning or purpose in life? Who or what encourages you to think about your meaning or purpose in life? Do you wish you had more help in finding meaning or purpose in your life? What would be helpful? Dates: 11/1/2017 – 4/21/2018
Do you think racism is a problem in your life? Why or why not? How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you mentally/emotionally? How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you physically? Have you experienced or witnessed racism while receiving healthcare? If so, what happened? Do you think healthcare providers should address racism when providing care? If so, what should they do? Date: 4/30/2021 This week we want to hear about the role your race/ethnicity plays in your life. What does your race/ethnicity mean to you? What do you think MOST people think about your racial/ethnic group? How does how other people view your race affect you? Have you experienced or witnessed racism? Tell us about it. How do you think you or people your age can deal with negative experiences related to racism? Date: 3/15/2019
Let’s talk about love! Name the most romantic thing someone has done for you or you have done for someone. What made it romantic? Picture the person that makes you go “heart eyes”. What makes them special to you? We see couples in real life, media and on TV who inspire us. Who are your #relationshipgoals? Tell us why. How many people do you hope to truly love in your lifetime? Why? Date: 3/8/2019
Intro: Can’t stop, won’t stop (using your phone)? We wanna hear about the downsides of using your cell phone. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation because you were busy using your cell phone? Tell us about it. Do you think it’s safe to drive and use your cell phone at the same time? Tell us more. What could you do to make your own cell phone use safer? Do you know what the local law is for cell phone use while driving? What is it? Dates: 1/24/2018 – 3/20/2018
This week is about architecture! We want to learn how the indoor and outdoor spaces at high schools affect how people feel in school. If you are out of high school, tell us about when you were in high school. What do you LIKE about the buildings and outdoor spaces at your high school? Why? What do you NOT like about the buildings and outdoor spaces at your high school? Why? Describe the indoor/outdoor space in your high school where you feel most comfortable, like to hang out, or feel a sense of belonging. Tell us about the space and why it makes you feel that way. Describe the indoor/outdoor space in your high school where you feel most UNcomfortable, avoid spending time, or feel like you don't belong. Tell us about the space and why it makes you feel that way. If you were designing a high school to help all students feel like they belong in their school community, what would you include? (Examples: layout, outdoor spaces, places to do certain activities, decorations, furniture, etc.) Date: 9/20/2024
This week is about expectations for how you do in school (currently or in the past). What expectations have YOU had for how you do in school? Why? What expectations have your PARENTS/GUARDIANS had for how you do in school? Why? How have your parents'/guardians' expectations related to school influenced your wellbeing? What would you change, if anything, about your parents/guardians' expectations for how you did in school? Why? In what ways, if any, were your parents/guardians supportive of what you chose to study in school? Tell us about it. Date: 11/15/2024
This week’s questions are about health education in school (Kindergarten through 12th grade). How do/did you feel about your health education in school? Tell us about it. What topics were covered in your health education in school? Health education can include topics related to physical health, mental health, and sexual health. What do you wish you had learned in health education in school? Outside of school, where did you learn about health? How do you think schools could make health education better? Date: 12/9/22
The purpose of school health programs is to keep students healthy and ready to learn at school. What does/did your school do to help students stay physically and mentally healthy? What could your school do to better meet the physical and mental health needs of students? What does/did your school nurse do well? Why might some people not connect with their school nurse? What could help school nurses better meet students' needs (i.e., website, app, blog, polls, etc.)? Date: 11/11/22
Help your lunch lady! We want to learn your thoughts on school lunches. Do (or did) you eat school lunch in grades K-12? Why not? OR What do (or did) you like about it? If there were laws for what school lunches had to include or exclude, what do you think they should be? Who do you think should decide what schools serve for lunch? Why? Dates: 12/20/2017 – 2/13/2018
Many of us spend significant time in front of screens (computer, phone, tv, etc.). How much time do you spend in front of a screen each day? Is this more, less, or the same as before COVID? What do you use your screens for? What do you consider meaningful screen use? Is this different than before the pandemic? Do you try to limit your screen time? Why? How does screen use impact other areas of your life? Date: 3/26/2021
This week we want to talk about self-care. Self-care is different for everyone, but in general, it involves doing things for your own well-being. How important is self-care to you? Why? How do you care for your physical health? How do you care for your mental health? What are ways you care for your relationships? What are your goals for self-care in the coming year? Date: 12/17/2021
This week is about what you think doctors should teach youth about sex. Do you think doctors should talk to youth about sex? Why or why not? Have you had a conversation about sex with your doctor? What was the conversation about? How do you think doctors should talk to youth about sex? What are the most important things that doctors should tell youth about sex? What do you think doctors should NOT say to youth about sex? Date: 4/5/2019
How old were you when you first learned about sex? Where or from whom have you learned the most about sex? What is the most important thing you learned from sexual education at school? What questions do you have about sex? Dates: 9/13/2017 – 3/3/2018
The media talks a lot about sexting but we want to get your take. First, what do you think sexting means? In your opinion, how often do people your age send naked or semi-naked photos using a cell phone? Do you think it is ok to send naked or semi-naked photos using a cell phone? Why or why not? When would receiving a naked or semi-naked photo make you uncomfortable? Why? Dates: 8/30/2017 – 2/17/2018
Sexual assault has been in the news quite a bit recently. How would you define sexual assault? Is sexual assault an issue people your age worry about? Tell us about it. What do you think can be done to eliminate sexual assault in your community? Dates: 2/14/2018 – 4/10/2018
Alright, so first we want to talk about sleep. Do you feel that you get enough sleep? What keeps you from getting enough sleep? How important do you think sleep is to your health? Why? How many hours of sleep do you get on an average weeknight? Experts recommend that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. What do you think about that? Dates: 7/5/2017 – 12/23/2017
Factors in the environments where we live, learn, work, and play can affect our health. Examples include housing, food, education, safety, transportation, discrimination, etc. What factors are most important to your health? If you had a problem related to any of these factors, what might prevent you from seeking or receiving help? Do you think it is important for your doctor or medical team to ask you about these factors? Why or why not? If you had a problem related to any of these factors, how would you want your doctor or medical team to help? How would you want your doctor or medical team to communicate with you about resources or services that could help you with these problems (e.g. text, email, handout, phone call, in-person etc.)? Date: 3/5/2021
Public health officials are asking people to practice “social distancing” during the COVID pandemic (stay at least 6 ft from others, not gather in groups, avoid crowded places). Are you social distancing? Why or why not? How has social distancing negatively impacted your life? How has social distancing positively impacted your life? Have you or someone you know broken social distancing rules? Why? What would you say or do to encourage friends to practice social distancing? Date: 4/24/2020
We want to know how you use social media. List the types of social media you use most. Do you find yourself checking your social media without realizing it? Describe the scenario! Have you ever felt like you should cut down on your social media use? What made you feel this way? Have people annoyed you by commenting on how often you use social media? Tell us about it! Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your social media use? What happened? Is checking your social media the first thing you do in the morning? Dates: 12/6/2017 – 5/26/2018
This week's questions are about the body-related content you see on social media. What body-related content have you seen recently on social media? What body-related content do you purposefully look for on social media? How does the body-related content you see on social media affect how you feel about your body? What lifestyle changes have you made, if any, because of body-related content on social media? Tell us about why you did or didn't make a change. If anything were possible, what social media features would improve your experience with body-related content? Why? Date: 11/8/2024
We’d like your opinion on how social media influencers talk about products like detox teas, diet pills, fat burners, and weight loss supplements. Have you seen posts like these? If so, what have you seen? Do you think social media influencers use the detox or weight loss products that they promote (never, sometimes, always)? Why do you think that? Do you think social media influencers promote detox or weight loss products that they actually dislike? Why do you think that? Have you used any detox or “cleanse” products (e.g. detox teas, gummies) in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)? How about weight loss products (e.g. laxatives, diet pills), have you used any of these products in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)? Date: 3/27/2020
Intro: We want to talk about how social media is used for advice/inspiration about health or fitness. Do you ever use social media for advice/inspiration about health or fitness? If yes, which platforms do you use (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc) and who do you follow? Tell us about a time that social media made you feel good about the way you look. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel bad about the way you look. Dates: 3/7/2018 – 5/1/2018
This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)? What benefits do you get from social media? How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media? Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself. Date: 1/5/24 This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events? How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself. Date: 1/12/24 Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media? Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why? How does using social media make you feel? Why? Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use? Date: 11/13/2020
Have you ever taken a standardized college entrance exam like the SAT/PSAT or ACT? Tell us about your experience. Should colleges and universities require standardized testing for admissions? Why or why not? Other than standardized test scores, what do you think is the best way for colleges/universities to evaluate applicants for admission? How has standardized testing impacted your health or the health of those around you? What do you think could be done to reduce stress related to college entrance exams? Date: 4/19/24
Intro: Now we want to ask about coverage for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Right now, screening and treatment for STIs is free for anyone who has health insurance. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important) Has insurance coverage of STIs helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it! Now it’s time to vote! Would you keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why? Dates: 10/25/2017 – 4/14/2018
Intro: We want to talk about chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Would it be hard for you to get TESTED for chlamydia or gonorrhea if you wanted to? Why or why not? If you tested positive, would it be hard for you to get TREATED for chlamydia or gonorrhea? Why or why not? If you thought you had chlamydia or gonorrhea, where would you go to get treatment? If you got chlamydia or gonorrhea would you tell your sexual partner(s)? Why or why not? Date: 8/17/2018
Why do you think people your age use stimulants that ARE NOT prescribed to them? Do you think stimulants work? If yes, what do you think they do? What are the risks of using stimulants that are NOT prescribed to you, if any? How many people your age do you think use stimulants that are NOT prescribed to them? How do they get them? Date: 2/22/2019
Intro: We have questions for you about health insurance coverage of treatment for substance abuse. This includes alcohol and drug use. Right now, treatment for substance abuse is free for anyone who has health insurance. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important) Has coverage of substance use disorders helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it! Time to vote! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why? Dates: 11/22/2017 – 5/12/2018
This week is about substance use (juul/vaping, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think substance use among people your age has changed during the pandemic (same/less/more)? What do you think are some reasons substance use has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all? How do you think access to substances has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all? Do you think the pandemic has affected the use of one type of substance more than others? If yes, how? Date: 5/15/2020
This week we want to talk to you about sun protection. How important do you think it is to protect your skin from the sun? Why? When do you protect yourself from the sun? How do you protect yourself from the sun? How many red, painful, or peeling sunburns have you had in your life: None, Few (1-4), Many (5+)? If so, have they ever blistered? What could be done to encourage more people to use sun protection? Date: 4/9/2021
This week’s questions are about an issue related to the environment. What, if anything, have you heard about the impact of food on the environment? Have you ever changed what you eat or drink because you were concerned about the impact on the environment? How so? Do you ever feel guilty about eating certain foods because of the impact on the environment? Tell us about it. Have you seen online content about the impact of food on the environment? What have you seen? Where else have you learned about the impact of food on the environment? Tell us more. Date: 4/5/24
Telemedicine is when a doctor provides care for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Have you ever heard of telemedicine? Is telemedicine something you think you would use? Why or why not? Have you or anyone you know ever used telemedicine? Tell us about it. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? What kinds of health issues would you rather see a doctor in person for? Date: 10/18/2019 Telemedicine is when a healthcare provider cares for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you or anyone you know used telemedicine? Tell us about it. If you were to use telemedicine to see a healthcare provider, would you prefer a phone call or video visit? Why? How effective do you think telemedicine is compared to an in-person visit? Why do you say that? What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? Why? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view on telemedicine, if at all? Date: 10/9/2020
This week is about reproductive health services like STI testing, contraception, prenatal care, etc.  What types of services for youth should the government help pay for? Why? The federal government recently changed their rules on funding reproductive health services (Title X). Have you heard about this change? Clinics that get government funding for reproductive health services cannot use it to provide abortions. Now, these clinics will not get funding if they DISCUSS abortions. What do you think about this? Will this change impact you or anyone you know? How? Date: 10/11/2019
This week we want to hear your thoughts about tobacco and related products. How old do you think you need to be to buy cigarettes, e-cigarettes (Juul, vape pens, etc.) and other tobacco products? There is a new federal law that restricts the sale of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to people age 21 and over. Have you heard of this? How do you think this new law impacts how people your age get these products? Do you think this law will prevent people under the age of 21 from using cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products? Why or why not? Are there other nicotine-containing products that people your age use besides cigarettes and e-cigs? Tell us about them. Date: 9/18/2020 We want to know what you think about tobacco products like cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juul, and hookah. Why do you think people your age use these products? Do you think people your age should have the choice to use these products? Why or why not? Where do people your age get tobacco products? At what age do you think people should be able to buy these products? Why? Would you support a law that limits the sale of tobacco products to people age 21 and up? Why or why not? Date: 8/31/2018
Have you seen any warnings about the harms of smoking cigarettes recently? Where? Do you think that ads about the harms of smoking cigarettes could keep young people from *starting* to smoke? Why? Do you think ads could encourage young people to *quit* smoking cigarettes? Why? Describe the kind of ads you think would work best to keep young people from smoking. Dates: 1/17/2018 – 3/13/2018
There is a debate in some states about which bathroom transgender people are allowed to use. Have you heard about this? What this means is that a person who was born a female but identifies as a male can only use female bathrooms and vice versa. What do you think about this? OR What do you think about this issue? On a scale of 1-5, how important is this issue to you? (1-not important at all; 5-extremely important) Dates: 7/26/2017 – 1/13/2018
Did you compete in competitive sports in high school or college (e.g. school team, AAU, travel teams, etc.)? Tell us about it. Do you think transgender people should play competitive sports based on their gender identity or their sex assigned at birth? Why? Do you know anyone who wasn't allowed to play sports due to their gender identity? What happened? How do you think it impacts cisgender (not transgender) people, if trans people are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity? How do you think it impacts trans people, if they are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity? Date: 12/10/2021
This week we want to hear your thoughts on voting. Did you vote in the last election? Why? Do you plan on voting in the next election? Why? On a scale of 1-5 (1= very easy, 5= very hard), how easy or hard do you think it is for people to vote? Why? What do you think keeps 18-24 year olds from voting? How could these issues be improved? Dates: 11/8/2017 – 4/28/2018
Let’s talk voting! In an election, what are the issues that are the most important to you? Who or what influences where you stand on these issues? Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not? Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard? Date: 2/28/2020 As we approach Election Day in November, we want to hear more about your thoughts on voting (even if you can’t vote). What are the issues that are the most important to you? Who or what influences where you stand on these issues? Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not? Are there recent events that have impacted your opinion on voting? What happened and how did it impact your opinion? Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard? Date: 9/4/2020
This week's questions are about school bullying. What do you think are common reasons students bully or tease others? Have you ever seen someone being bullied or teased because of their weight? Tell us about it. Why do you think students bully or tease others about their weight? What do you think schools can do to stop weight-related bullying and teasing? Do you think anti-bullying policies at schools should specifically include weight-related bullying and teasing? Why or why not? Date: 11/4/22
Has a doctor ever talked to you about weight? What did she or he say? What should a doctor NOT say when talking about weight What do you think of when you hear the word “obese”? Dates: 7/19/2019 – 1/6/2018
Young people may feel pressure for their bodies to look a certain way. Where or who do you think this pressure comes from? How do you deal with pressures related to body weight, shape, and size? How should parents/caregivers support their children with these pressures? Has your parent/caregiver ever tried to talk to you about your body weight, shape, or size? Tell us about it. If you had to give advice to a parent/caregiver about how to talk to their children about body weight, shape, and size, what would you recommend? Date: 4/21/23
There has been a lot in the media lately about medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, etc. Have you heard of these medications? What have you heard? Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are sometimes used for weight loss. Do you know anyone who has taken these medications? Tell us about it. Do you think people your age should take these medications to lose weight? Why or why not? What do you think is the impact of media content (news, social media, podcasts, etc.) about these medications? What information do you wish was available to people your age about these medications? Date:3/29/24
Do you have a caring adult you can talk to besides your parents/guardians? If yes, tell us about them. Some organizations partner young people with adults to work together on social issues that impact adolescents and young adults. Have you worked with an organization like this? Tell us about it. Are you interested in being involved in an organization like this? Why or why not? What are some of the benefits (or downsides) of young people and adults working together on social issues? What is the best way for organizations that work with young people to connect with you about what they do? Date: 6/10/22
What, if anything, is happening in the world that makes you feel anxious? Who do you talk to about the things that make you feel anxious, if anyone? How do you manage your anxieties about the world? How does social media impact how you feel about things happening in the world? Tell us about something that gives you hope for the future. Date: 10/21/2022, 10/25/2024
This week is about family caregiving (taking care of an adult relative). Have you ever had to do that? Describe a time when you or someone in your family took care of an adult relative. How do you feel about potentially taking care of an adult relative? How do you think taking care of an adult relative would impact your educational or career goals? What would help you prepare to take care of an adult relative in the future? Date: 8/28/2020
Do you think you\’ll get COVID-19 in the next few months? Tell us why. If you got COVID-19, how do you think it would impact your life? If you got COVID-19, how concerned would you be about spreading it to others? Tell us why. How often do you wear a mask/face covering when you are near people you don\’t live with? (Always, most of the time, some of the time, rarely, never). What influences whether or not you wear a mask/face covering when you are near people you don\’t live with? Date: 7/17/2020
How important is your eyesight compared to other aspects of your health? Why? Have you ever had trouble with your eyesight? Tell us about it. Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? If yes, do you still wear them? Why or why not? What are reasons why people your age don't wear glasses even if they need them? If you needed glasses, how would you feel about getting them online? Date: 11/5/2021
Do your parents/guardians currently pay any expenses for you? If yes, what do they help with (school, food, insurance, rent, spending money, etc.)? When do you think parents/guardians should stop supporting their children financially? How comfortable do you feel managing your own money? Why? Do you consider yourself financially independent? Why or why not? What financial goals do you have for the next 5 years? Date: 11/18/22
We are exposed to so much media (news, tv/movies, radio/podcasts, social media, etc.) every day. Have you heard of media literacy? What do you think it is? Media literacy is defined as thinking critically about media messages and their effects on us (fake news, body image, stereotypes, bias, etc.). What, if anything, have you learned about media literacy, and from whom? How media literate do you consider yourself? Why? One part of media literacy is thinking about who is represented in the media. All people have multiple identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.). How are people who share your identities portrayed in the media? Which identities do you want to see more of in the media? Why? Date: 10/2/2020
We want to learn about problems facing people your age. What are the biggest problems you’re facing right now? Tell us how you deal with those problems. What are some of the good things happening in your life right now? What would make your life better? Dates: 8/9/2017 – 1/27/2018
This week is about stress and resilience. When you are stressed, what do you do (both healthy and unhealthy) to manage the stress? Resilience means adapting to challenges/ongoing stress. Who or what helps you to be resilient when facing challenges? Tell us about a specific time where you showed resilience. What did you learn? What would help you or people your age to be more resilient? Sometimes things in your community or in society can get in the way of resilience. What makes it harder for you to be resilient? Date: 10/16/2020
Did you participate in sports growing up? If yes, for how long? Would you have liked to spend more time in sports? If so, what got in the way? Do you think playing sports is important? Why or why not? What might help more youth participate in sports? Dates: 9/27/2017 – 3/17/2018
Going from being a kid to an adult can be a big change. What has this transition been like for you? Why? What has been hard about this transition? What has been good about this time in your life? What would make this transition easier? What advice would you give your younger self to help you through this transition? Date: 10/5/2018
What are reasons some people under the age of 21 drink alcohol? Do you think people under 21 should be allowed to drink alcohol? Why or why not? Zero proof alcohol drinks are drinks like beer, wine, and liquor that are made without alcohol or with the alcohol removed/reduced to almost zero. What have you heard about these, if anything? Do you think people under the age of 21 should be allowed to buy zero proof alcohol drinks? Why or why not? How might access to zero proof alcohol drinks influence alcohol drinking behaviors of young people? Date: 11/1/2024
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