Question Bank

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  1. Telemedicine is when a doctor provides care for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Have you ever heard of telemedicine?
  2. Is telemedicine something you think you would use? Why or why not?
  3. Have you or anyone you know ever used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for?
  5. What kinds of health issues would you rather see a doctor in person for?

Date: 10/18/2019

  1. Telemedicine is when a healthcare provider cares for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you or anyone you know used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  2. If you were to use telemedicine to see a healthcare provider, would you prefer a phone call or video visit? Why?
  3. How effective do you think telemedicine is compared to an in-person visit? Why do you say that?
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view on telemedicine, if at all?

Date: 10/9/2020

Categories: Healthcare,Internet and Phones
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