Question Bank

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Birth control

  1. We want to hear your thoughts and experiences with prescribed contraception/birth control (pills, shots, IUDs, etc.). How has social media affected your thoughts about these types of birth control?
  2. What are reasons why sexually active people your age might not use prescribed birth control?
  3. Have you or anyone you know had trouble getting prescribed birth control? What happened?
  4. Sometimes people feel pressure from others to use or not use prescribed birth control. Has this ever happened to you or someone you know? Tell us about it.
  5. Access to abortion has changed in the last year for many people. How has this changed your interest in using prescribed birth control, if at all?

Date: 5/19/23

  1. This week we want to hear what you think about contraception/birth control. What comes to mind when you think of birth control?
  2. Tell us how you first learned about contraception/birth control.
  3. What questions do you have about birth control? (Can’t think of anything now? What questions have you had in the past?)
  4. If you had questions about birth control today, where would you look for an answer?
  5. Is there someone you trust to ask about stuff like this? Who?

Dates: 2/21/2018 – 4/17/2018

Category: Sexual Health and Relationships
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