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Intro: This week is about trending body challenges: when you check to see if your body part can look a certain way (ex: thigh gap).

  1. List all the body challenges you know of!
  2. Where did you hear about these challenge(s)?
  3. Have you, or someone you know, tried any of these challenges? Tell us about it: who was involved and where did it happen
  4. What do you think about these trending body challenges?
  5. How do these body challenges make you feel about your body?

Date: 2/15/2019

Intro: This week we want to talk about how you feel about your body.

  1. How do you feel about the way your body looks?
  2. If you could choose the way your body looked, what would you want it to look like?
  3. If you could have the body of any celebrity, whose would you choose?
  4. What have you done to change how your body looks, if anything?

Date: 10/26/2018

  1. We want to know how things have changed since before the COVID-19 pandemic. How, if at all, has your body image changed? Tell us about it.
  2. How, if at all, has your relationship with food changed since before the pandemic?
  3. How, if at all, has your relationship with exercise changed since before the pandemic?
  4. Since the pandemic, have you changed your eating or exercise habits because you were worried about your weight/shape? Tell us about it.
  5. What have you seen people posting on social media about weight/shape during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do you think about these posts?

Date: 9/25/2020

  1. Have you ever heard of the body positivity movement or seen #bodypositive? Where?
  2. How would you define the body positivity movement? If you haven’t heard of it, just tell us what you think!
  3. How does seeing a body positive post on social media make you feel? Why?
  4. Do you think that body positivity on social media is helpful or harmful? Tell us more!

Date: 11/2/2018

Intro: This week’s Qs are about “clean eating,” an approach to eating that has been getting a lot of attention lately.

  1. Have you previously heard about “clean eating?” If so, how did you hear about it?
  2. How would you define “clean eating”?
  3. “Clean eating” usually means eating natural, whole foods, and strictly avoiding processed foods. Knowing that, what is your opinion of “clean eating”?
  4. Do you think “clean eating” is healthy or harmful? Tell us why.
  5. How likely would you be to try “clean eating” for yourself (1 = probably won’t try it; 2 = not sure; 3 = probably will try it)?

Date: 1/18/2019

  1. There are many products and services that are marketed for weight loss. What types of weight loss products/services have you seen ads for? List as many as you can think of.
  2. Where are you most likely to see weight loss ads? (e.g., specific social media platforms, streaming services, apps, websites, TV, magazines, billboards, etc.)
  3. Have you ever changed your habits or purchased a weight loss product/service in response to seeing an ad? Tell us about it.
  4. What impact do you think weight loss ads have on people your age?
  5. Do you think ads for weight loss products/services should ever be restricted? If yes, in what circumstances?
Date: 1/14/2022
  1. This week we want to talk to you about eating disorders. Do you think eating disorders are mental health conditions? Why or why not?
  2. How would you compare the seriousness of eating disorders to other mental health conditions (depression/anxiety)?
  3. What do you think are the effects of having an eating disorder?
  4. How do you think people view others who have eating disorders?
  5. Most people with eating disorders never get treatment. Why do you think that is?

Date: 9/13/2019

  1. Do you ever eat more or less food than you want? Why?
  2. Do you ever eat different types of foods than you actually want? Why?
  3. How does the cost of food play a role in what you eat?
  4. When you were in elementary school, was your family able to afford the type and amount of food you wanted to eat? Tell us about it.
  5. How do you think your family’s ability to afford food when you were in elementary school affects how you eat now?

Date: 5/21/2021

  1. Many young people have limited access to healthy and affordable food. Have you experienced this? Tell us more.
  2. If you were worried about having enough food to eat, how would you get help?
  3. If you didn’t have access to food, what might keep you from seeking help?
  4. What impact does this issue (not having access to food) have on young people?
  5. In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access healthy food? If so, how?
Date: 4/17/2020
  1. What are the most important things you consider when choosing what to eat and drink?
  2. What things do you think make it hard for people your age to eat and drink healthy?
  3. How do marketing and advertisements impact your food and drink choices?
  4. Where would you go if you needed to know if a food was healthy (social media, apps, websites, etc.)?
  5. If you could speak to leaders about making healthy foods and drinks more available for people your age, what would you tell them?
Date: 7/1/22
  1. We want to hear your thoughts about nutrition information on menus. What are some places you go to that have nutrition info listed?
  2. What information do you notice is listed and where? Text “skip” if you haven’t seen any nutrition information.
  3. Have you found this information useful when choosing what to eat or drink? Tell us more!
  4. If you could choose what nutrition information was listed, what would you like to see?

Dates: 1/3/2018 – 2/27/2018

Intro: We want to know what you think about nonprescription products for weight loss like dietary supplements, laxatives and diet pills.

  1. Do you think these types of nonprescription products for weight loss work? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think it is safe for people your age to take nonprescription products for weight loss? Why or why not?
  3. Should it be legal to sell nonprescription products for weight loss to people under 18 years old? Why or why not?

Dates: 8/16/2017  – 2/3/2018

  1. We’d like your opinion on how social media influencers talk about products like detox teas, diet pills, fat burners, and weight loss supplements. Have you seen posts like these? If so, what have you seen?
  2. Do you think social media influencers use the detox or weight loss products that they promote (never, sometimes, always)? Why do you think that?
  3. Do you think social media influencers promote detox or weight loss products that they actually dislike? Why do you think that?
  4. Have you used any detox or “cleanse” products (e.g. detox teas, gummies) in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)?
  5. How about weight loss products (e.g. laxatives, diet pills), have you used any of these products in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)?

Date: 3/27/2020

Intro: We want to talk about how social media is used for advice/inspiration about health or fitness.

  1. Do you ever use social media for advice/inspiration about health or fitness? If yes, which platforms do you use (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc) and who do you follow?
  2. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel good about the way you look.
  3. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel bad about the way you look.

Dates: 3/7/2018 – 5/1/2018

  1. This week’s questions are about an issue related to the environment. What, if anything, have you heard about the impact of food on the environment?
  2. Have you ever changed what you eat or drink because you were concerned about the impact on the environment? How so?
  3. Do you ever feel guilty about eating certain foods because of the impact on the environment? Tell us about it.
  4. Have you seen online content about the impact of food on the environment? What have you seen?
  5. Where else have you learned about the impact of food on the environment? Tell us more.
Date: 4/5/24
  1. This week's questions are about school bullying. What do you think are common reasons students bully or tease others?
  2. Have you ever seen someone being bullied or teased because of their weight? Tell us about it.
  3. Why do you think students bully or tease others about their weight?
  4. What do you think schools can do to stop weight-related bullying and teasing?
  5. Do you think anti-bullying policies at schools should specifically include weight-related bullying and teasing? Why or why not?
Date: 11/4/22
  1. Has a doctor ever talked to you about weight?
  2. What did she or he say?
  3. What should a doctor NOT say when talking about weight
  4. What do you think of when you hear the word “obese”?

Dates: 7/19/2019 – 1/6/2018

  1. Young people may feel pressure for their bodies to look a certain way. Where or who do you think this pressure comes from?
  2. How do you deal with pressures related to body weight, shape, and size?
  3. How should parents/caregivers support their children with these pressures?
  4. Has your parent/caregiver ever tried to talk to you about your body weight, shape, or size? Tell us about it.
  5. If you had to give advice to a parent/caregiver about how to talk to their children about body weight, shape, and size, what would you recommend?
Date: 4/21/23
  1. There has been a lot in the media lately about medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, etc. Have you heard of these medications? What have you heard?
  2. Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are sometimes used for weight loss. Do you know anyone who has taken these medications? Tell us about it.
  3. Do you think people your age should take these medications to lose weight? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think is the impact of media content (news, social media, podcasts, etc.) about these medications?
  5. What information do you wish was available to people your age about these medications?
Intro: This week is about trending body challenges: when you check to see if your body part can look a certain way (ex: thigh gap). List all the body challenges you know of! Where did you hear about these challenge(s)? Have you, or someone you know, tried any of these challenges? Tell us about it: who was involved and where did it happen What do you think about these trending body challenges? How do these body challenges make you feel about your body? Date: 2/15/2019
Intro: This week we want to talk about how you feel about your body. How do you feel about the way your body looks? If you could choose the way your body looked, what would you want it to look like? If you could have the body of any celebrity, whose would you choose? What have you done to change how your body looks, if anything? Date: 10/26/2018
We want to know how things have changed since before the COVID-19 pandemic. How, if at all, has your body image changed? Tell us about it. How, if at all, has your relationship with food changed since before the pandemic? How, if at all, has your relationship with exercise changed since before the pandemic? Since the pandemic, have you changed your eating or exercise habits because you were worried about your weight/shape? Tell us about it. What have you seen people posting on social media about weight/shape during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do you think about these posts? Date: 9/25/2020
Have you ever heard of the body positivity movement or seen #bodypositive? Where? How would you define the body positivity movement? If you haven’t heard of it, just tell us what you think! How does seeing a body positive post on social media make you feel? Why? Do you think that body positivity on social media is helpful or harmful? Tell us more! Date: 11/2/2018
Intro: This week’s Qs are about “clean eating,” an approach to eating that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Have you previously heard about “clean eating?” If so, how did you hear about it? How would you define “clean eating”? “Clean eating” usually means eating natural, whole foods, and strictly avoiding processed foods. Knowing that, what is your opinion of “clean eating”? Do you think “clean eating” is healthy or harmful? Tell us why. How likely would you be to try “clean eating” for yourself (1 = probably won’t try it; 2 = not sure; 3 = probably will try it)? Date: 1/18/2019
There are many products and services that are marketed for weight loss. What types of weight loss products/services have you seen ads for? List as many as you can think of. Where are you most likely to see weight loss ads? (e.g., specific social media platforms, streaming services, apps, websites, TV, magazines, billboards, etc.) Have you ever changed your habits or purchased a weight loss product/service in response to seeing an ad? Tell us about it. What impact do you think weight loss ads have on people your age? Do you think ads for weight loss products/services should ever be restricted? If yes, in what circumstances? Date: 1/14/2022
This week we want to talk to you about eating disorders. Do you think eating disorders are mental health conditions? Why or why not? How would you compare the seriousness of eating disorders to other mental health conditions (depression/anxiety)? What do you think are the effects of having an eating disorder? How do you think people view others who have eating disorders? Most people with eating disorders never get treatment. Why do you think that is? Date: 9/13/2019
Do you ever eat more or less food than you want? Why? Do you ever eat different types of foods than you actually want? Why? How does the cost of food play a role in what you eat? When you were in elementary school, was your family able to afford the type and amount of food you wanted to eat? Tell us about it. How do you think your family’s ability to afford food when you were in elementary school affects how you eat now? Date: 5/21/2021
Many young people have limited access to healthy and affordable food. Have you experienced this? Tell us more. If you were worried about having enough food to eat, how would you get help? If you didn’t have access to food, what might keep you from seeking help? What impact does this issue (not having access to food) have on young people? In your opinion, has COVID-19 had an impact on you or other young people’s ability to access healthy food? If so, how? Date: 4/17/2020
What are the most important things you consider when choosing what to eat and drink? What things do you think make it hard for people your age to eat and drink healthy? How do marketing and advertisements impact your food and drink choices? Where would you go if you needed to know if a food was healthy (social media, apps, websites, etc.)? If you could speak to leaders about making healthy foods and drinks more available for people your age, what would you tell them? Date: 7/1/22
We want to hear your thoughts about nutrition information on menus. What are some places you go to that have nutrition info listed? What information do you notice is listed and where? Text “skip” if you haven’t seen any nutrition information. Have you found this information useful when choosing what to eat or drink? Tell us more! If you could choose what nutrition information was listed, what would you like to see? Dates: 1/3/2018 – 2/27/2018
Intro: We want to know what you think about nonprescription products for weight loss like dietary supplements, laxatives and diet pills. Do you think these types of nonprescription products for weight loss work? Why or why not? Do you think it is safe for people your age to take nonprescription products for weight loss? Why or why not? Should it be legal to sell nonprescription products for weight loss to people under 18 years old? Why or why not? Dates: 8/16/2017  – 2/3/2018
We’d like your opinion on how social media influencers talk about products like detox teas, diet pills, fat burners, and weight loss supplements. Have you seen posts like these? If so, what have you seen? Do you think social media influencers use the detox or weight loss products that they promote (never, sometimes, always)? Why do you think that? Do you think social media influencers promote detox or weight loss products that they actually dislike? Why do you think that? Have you used any detox or “cleanse” products (e.g. detox teas, gummies) in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)? How about weight loss products (e.g. laxatives, diet pills), have you used any of these products in the past year? What happened (worked, side effects, etc.)? Date: 3/27/2020
Intro: We want to talk about how social media is used for advice/inspiration about health or fitness. Do you ever use social media for advice/inspiration about health or fitness? If yes, which platforms do you use (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc) and who do you follow? Tell us about a time that social media made you feel good about the way you look. Tell us about a time that social media made you feel bad about the way you look. Dates: 3/7/2018 – 5/1/2018
This week’s questions are about an issue related to the environment. What, if anything, have you heard about the impact of food on the environment? Have you ever changed what you eat or drink because you were concerned about the impact on the environment? How so? Do you ever feel guilty about eating certain foods because of the impact on the environment? Tell us about it. Have you seen online content about the impact of food on the environment? What have you seen? Where else have you learned about the impact of food on the environment? Tell us more. Date: 4/5/24
This week's questions are about school bullying. What do you think are common reasons students bully or tease others? Have you ever seen someone being bullied or teased because of their weight? Tell us about it. Why do you think students bully or tease others about their weight? What do you think schools can do to stop weight-related bullying and teasing? Do you think anti-bullying policies at schools should specifically include weight-related bullying and teasing? Why or why not? Date: 11/4/22
Has a doctor ever talked to you about weight? What did she or he say? What should a doctor NOT say when talking about weight What do you think of when you hear the word “obese”? Dates: 7/19/2019 – 1/6/2018
Young people may feel pressure for their bodies to look a certain way. Where or who do you think this pressure comes from? How do you deal with pressures related to body weight, shape, and size? How should parents/caregivers support their children with these pressures? Has your parent/caregiver ever tried to talk to you about your body weight, shape, or size? Tell us about it. If you had to give advice to a parent/caregiver about how to talk to their children about body weight, shape, and size, what would you recommend? Date: 4/21/23
There has been a lot in the media lately about medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, etc. Have you heard of these medications? What have you heard? Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are sometimes used for weight loss. Do you know anyone who has taken these medications? Tell us about it. Do you think people your age should take these medications to lose weight? Why or why not? What do you think is the impact of media content (news, social media, podcasts, etc.) about these medications? What information do you wish was available to people your age about these medications? Date:3/29/24
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