Question Bank

Browse our library of surveys here in the MyVoice Question Bank.

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  1. What have been your best moments from the past year?
  2. What have been your biggest challenges from the past year?
  3. What has surprised you about the past year?
  4. How do you feel your growth (personal, professional, etc.) has been impacted over the past year?
  5. How do you feel about your plans for the upcoming year? Why?

Date: 5/7/2021

  1. Movies and shows can influence our thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a positive way? How?
  2. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a negative way? How?
  3. Have you ever mimicked the behavior of a movie/show character? Tell us who and in what way.
  4. Are there any movies/shows that you think help prevent suicidal thoughts or behaviors for viewers? If yes, which movie/shows and why?
  5. Are there any movies/shows that you think promote suicidal thoughts or behaviors? If yes, which movie/shows and why?
Date: 4/14/23
  1. This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why?
  2. What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you?
  3. What does carrying a handgun look like where you live?
  4. What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns?
  5. Tell us about the role of handguns in your family.
Date: 6/17/22
  1. Home is where the ____ is! What features are important to you when choosing a town, city, or place to live?
  2. Is there a specific place (city, state, country) that has those characteristics? Tell us about it.
  3. What about turn-offs? What characteristics would make you NOT want to live somewhere?
  4. Do you want to live in the place(s) where you grew up? Why or why not?

Dates: 11/15/2017 – 5/5/2018

  1. This week we want to hear about what it means to be a thriving young person. Describe what it would look like to live your best life.
  2. Tell us about something or someone that helps you live your best life.
  3. Specifically, what could your school do to help you live your best life? (now or in the past)
  4. What keeps you from living your best life, if anything?

Date: 8/2/2019

  1. Do you feel knowledgeable about menstruation (i.e., periods)? Why or why not?
  2. Have you ever had a conversation with somebody about periods? Give us an example.
  3. Do you feel comfortable discussing periods with others? Why or why not?
  4. Some people have problems accessing period products (tampons, pads, etc.). Have you or someone you know experienced this?
  5. How do you feel about programs or policies that make period products easier to get (given out free at schools, sold without tax, etc.)?
Date: 12/3/2021
  1. This week is all about music. How important is music to your life? Why?
  2. Do you make music/play an instrument? Tell us about it.
  3. What are the reasons you listen to music?
  4. How does music influence your relationships with others?
Date: 1/7/2022
  1. How did you hear about MyVoice?
  2. Why did you sign up for MyVoice?
  3. What can MyVoice do to recruit more youth from different backgrounds?
  4. How should MyVoice share the results from our weekly polls with you?
  5. Have you ever talked with others about MyVoice?  Tell us about it.
Date: 4/12/24
  1. This week we want to talk about why you joined MyVoice. What motivates you to answer our questions each week?
  2. What do you think participants gain from being in MyVoice?
  3. Some participants don’t answer every week. How do you decide which questions to answer?
  4. What do you think MyVoice could do better?
  5. Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future?
Date: 9/20/2019
  1. First, we’re curious: What motivates you to answer our questions each week?
  2. In your opinion, what do people gain from participating in MyVoice?
  3. Think of someone your age who might also want to join MyVoice. What would encourage them to sign up?
  4. What would keep people from participating in MyVoice?
  5. Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future?
Dates: 9/20/2017 – 3/10/2018  
  1. MyVoice wants to know how being in nature affects you! First, what do you think of when you hear the word “nature”?
  2. No matter how you define “nature,” we want to know how you spend your time in it. How do you interact with nature in your life? Send us a pic!
  3. How does being in nature affect how you feel physically?
  4. How does being in nature affect how you feel emotionally/ mentally?
  5. Thinking about how much time you spend in nature now, do you wish you could spend more or less time in nature? Why?

Date: 9/11/2020

  1. COVID-19 has changed so much in our lives. During the pandemic, how have you or your family been getting groceries (in-person, pick-up, delivery)? Why?
  2. If you or your family have shopped for groceries online during the pandemic, was it pick-up or delivery? How did it go?
  3. During the pandemic, have you or your family changed the types of food you are buying (more/less snacks, fruits, vegetables, etc.)? Tell us about it.
  4. Do you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area?
  5. Do you or anyone in your household receive SNAP benefits (also known as food stamps)?

Date: 11/6/2020

Intro: This week is all about you. We want to hear your thoughts on the meaning or purpose in your life.

  1. Do you ever think about the meaning or purpose of your life? If yes, how often?
  2. What gives your life meaning or purpose? Tell us as much as you can!
  3. On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = “very unclear” 4 = “very clear”), how clear is your meaning or purpose in life?
  4. Who or what encourages you to think about your meaning or purpose in life?
  5. Do you wish you had more help in finding meaning or purpose in your life? What would be helpful?

Dates: 11/1/2017 – 4/21/2018

  1. This week we want to talk about self-care. Self-care is different for everyone, but in general, it involves doing things for your own well-being. How important is self-care to you? Why?
  2. How do you care for your physical health?
  3. How do you care for your mental health?
  4. What are ways you care for your relationships?
  5. What are your goals for self-care in the coming year?
Date: 12/17/2021
  1. Alright, so first we want to talk about sleep. Do you feel that you get enough sleep?
  2. What keeps you from getting enough sleep?
  3. How important do you think sleep is to your health? Why?
  4. How many hours of sleep do you get on an average weeknight?
  5. Experts recommend that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. What do you think about that?

Dates: 7/5/2017 – 12/23/2017

  1. This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)?
  2. What benefits do you get from social media?
  3. How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media?
  4. Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself.
Date: 1/5/24
  1. This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events?
  2. How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it.
  3. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life.
  4. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself.
Date: 1/12/24
  1. Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media?
  2. Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why?
  3. How does using social media make you feel? Why?
  4. Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use?
Date: 11/13/2020
  1. This week we want to talk to you about sun protection. How important do you think it is to protect your skin from the sun? Why?
  2. When do you protect yourself from the sun?
  3. How do you protect yourself from the sun?
  4. How many red, painful, or peeling sunburns have you had in your life: None, Few (1-4), Many (5+)? If so, have they ever blistered?
  5. What could be done to encourage more people to use sun protection?

Date: 4/9/2021

  1. Did you compete in competitive sports in high school or college (e.g. school team, AAU, travel teams, etc.)? Tell us about it.
  2. Do you think transgender people should play competitive sports based on their gender identity or their sex assigned at birth? Why?
  3. Do you know anyone who wasn't allowed to play sports due to their gender identity? What happened?
  4. How do you think it impacts cisgender (not transgender) people, if trans people are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity?
  5. How do you think it impacts trans people, if they are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity?
Date: 12/10/2021
  1. What, if anything, is happening in the world that makes you feel anxious?
  2. Who do you talk to about the things that make you feel anxious, if anyone?
  3. How do you manage your anxieties about the world?
  4. How does social media impact how you feel about things happening in the world?
  5. Tell us about something that gives you hope for the future.
Date: 10/21/22
  1. This week is about family caregiving (taking care of an adult relative). Have you ever had to do that?
  2. Describe a time when you or someone in your family took care of an adult relative.
  3. How do you feel about potentially taking care of an adult relative?
  4. How do you think taking care of an adult relative would impact your educational or career goals?
  5. What would help you prepare to take care of an adult relative in the future?

Date: 8/28/2020

  1. Do your parents/guardians currently pay any expenses for you? If yes, what do they help with (school, food, insurance, rent, spending money, etc.)?
  2. When do you think parents/guardians should stop supporting their children financially?
  3. How comfortable do you feel managing your own money? Why?
  4. Do you consider yourself financially independent? Why or why not?
  5. What financial goals do you have for the next 5 years?
Date: 11/18/22
  1. We want to learn about problems facing people your age. What are the biggest problems you’re facing right now?
  2. Tell us how you deal with those problems.
  3. What are some of the good things happening in your life right now?
  4. What would make your life better?

Dates: 8/9/2017 – 1/27/2018

  1. Going from being a kid to an adult can be a big change. What has this transition been like for you? Why?
  2. What has been hard about this transition?
  3. What has been good about this time in your life?
  4. What would make this transition easier?
  5. What advice would you give your younger self to help you through this transition?

Date: 10/5/2018

What have been your best moments from the past year? What have been your biggest challenges from the past year? What has surprised you about the past year? How do you feel your growth (personal, professional, etc.) has been impacted over the past year? How do you feel about your plans for the upcoming year? Why? Date: 5/7/2021
Movies and shows can influence our thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a positive way? How? Is there a moment from a movie or show that impacted your mental health in a negative way? How? Have you ever mimicked the behavior of a movie/show character? Tell us who and in what way. Are there any movies/shows that you think help prevent suicidal thoughts or behaviors for viewers? If yes, which movie/shows and why? Are there any movies/shows that you think promote suicidal thoughts or behaviors? If yes, which movie/shows and why? Date: 4/14/23
This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why? What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you? What does carrying a handgun look like where you live? What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns? Tell us about the role of handguns in your family. Date: 6/17/22
Home is where the ____ is! What features are important to you when choosing a town, city, or place to live? Is there a specific place (city, state, country) that has those characteristics? Tell us about it. What about turn-offs? What characteristics would make you NOT want to live somewhere? Do you want to live in the place(s) where you grew up? Why or why not? Dates: 11/15/2017 – 5/5/2018
This week we want to hear about what it means to be a thriving young person. Describe what it would look like to live your best life. Tell us about something or someone that helps you live your best life. Specifically, what could your school do to help you live your best life? (now or in the past) What keeps you from living your best life, if anything? Date: 8/2/2019
Do you feel knowledgeable about menstruation (i.e., periods)? Why or why not? Have you ever had a conversation with somebody about periods? Give us an example. Do you feel comfortable discussing periods with others? Why or why not? Some people have problems accessing period products (tampons, pads, etc.). Have you or someone you know experienced this? How do you feel about programs or policies that make period products easier to get (given out free at schools, sold without tax, etc.)? Date: 12/3/2021
This week is all about music. How important is music to your life? Why? Do you make music/play an instrument? Tell us about it. What are the reasons you listen to music? How does music influence your relationships with others? Date: 1/7/2022
How did you hear about MyVoice? Why did you sign up for MyVoice? What can MyVoice do to recruit more youth from different backgrounds? How should MyVoice share the results from our weekly polls with you? Have you ever talked with others about MyVoice?  Tell us about it. Date: 4/12/24 This week we want to talk about why you joined MyVoice. What motivates you to answer our questions each week? What do you think participants gain from being in MyVoice? Some participants don’t answer every week. How do you decide which questions to answer? What do you think MyVoice could do better? Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future? Date: 9/20/2019 First, we’re curious: What motivates you to answer our questions each week? In your opinion, what do people gain from participating in MyVoice? Think of someone your age who might also want to join MyVoice. What would encourage them to sign up? What would keep people from participating in MyVoice? Finally, let us know what we’ve missed! What topics do you think we should ask about in the future? Dates: 9/20/2017 – 3/10/2018  
MyVoice wants to know how being in nature affects you! First, what do you think of when you hear the word “nature”? No matter how you define “nature,” we want to know how you spend your time in it. How do you interact with nature in your life? Send us a pic! How does being in nature affect how you feel physically? How does being in nature affect how you feel emotionally/ mentally? Thinking about how much time you spend in nature now, do you wish you could spend more or less time in nature? Why? Date: 9/11/2020
COVID-19 has changed so much in our lives. During the pandemic, how have you or your family been getting groceries (in-person, pick-up, delivery)? Why? If you or your family have shopped for groceries online during the pandemic, was it pick-up or delivery? How did it go? During the pandemic, have you or your family changed the types of food you are buying (more/less snacks, fruits, vegetables, etc.)? Tell us about it. Do you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? Do you or anyone in your household receive SNAP benefits (also known as food stamps)? Date: 11/6/2020
Intro: This week is all about you. We want to hear your thoughts on the meaning or purpose in your life. Do you ever think about the meaning or purpose of your life? If yes, how often? What gives your life meaning or purpose? Tell us as much as you can! On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = “very unclear” 4 = “very clear”), how clear is your meaning or purpose in life? Who or what encourages you to think about your meaning or purpose in life? Do you wish you had more help in finding meaning or purpose in your life? What would be helpful? Dates: 11/1/2017 – 4/21/2018
This week we want to talk about self-care. Self-care is different for everyone, but in general, it involves doing things for your own well-being. How important is self-care to you? Why? How do you care for your physical health? How do you care for your mental health? What are ways you care for your relationships? What are your goals for self-care in the coming year? Date: 12/17/2021
Alright, so first we want to talk about sleep. Do you feel that you get enough sleep? What keeps you from getting enough sleep? How important do you think sleep is to your health? Why? How many hours of sleep do you get on an average weeknight? Experts recommend that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. What do you think about that? Dates: 7/5/2017 – 12/23/2017
This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)? What benefits do you get from social media? How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media? Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself. Date: 1/5/24 This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events? How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself. Date: 1/12/24 Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media? Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why? How does using social media make you feel? Why? Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use? Date: 11/13/2020
This week we want to talk to you about sun protection. How important do you think it is to protect your skin from the sun? Why? When do you protect yourself from the sun? How do you protect yourself from the sun? How many red, painful, or peeling sunburns have you had in your life: None, Few (1-4), Many (5+)? If so, have they ever blistered? What could be done to encourage more people to use sun protection? Date: 4/9/2021
Did you compete in competitive sports in high school or college (e.g. school team, AAU, travel teams, etc.)? Tell us about it. Do you think transgender people should play competitive sports based on their gender identity or their sex assigned at birth? Why? Do you know anyone who wasn't allowed to play sports due to their gender identity? What happened? How do you think it impacts cisgender (not transgender) people, if trans people are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity? How do you think it impacts trans people, if they are allowed to play competitive sports based on their gender identity? Date: 12/10/2021
What, if anything, is happening in the world that makes you feel anxious? Who do you talk to about the things that make you feel anxious, if anyone? How do you manage your anxieties about the world? How does social media impact how you feel about things happening in the world? Tell us about something that gives you hope for the future. Date: 10/21/22
This week is about family caregiving (taking care of an adult relative). Have you ever had to do that? Describe a time when you or someone in your family took care of an adult relative. How do you feel about potentially taking care of an adult relative? How do you think taking care of an adult relative would impact your educational or career goals? What would help you prepare to take care of an adult relative in the future? Date: 8/28/2020
Do your parents/guardians currently pay any expenses for you? If yes, what do they help with (school, food, insurance, rent, spending money, etc.)? When do you think parents/guardians should stop supporting their children financially? How comfortable do you feel managing your own money? Why? Do you consider yourself financially independent? Why or why not? What financial goals do you have for the next 5 years? Date: 11/18/22
We want to learn about problems facing people your age. What are the biggest problems you’re facing right now? Tell us how you deal with those problems. What are some of the good things happening in your life right now? What would make your life better? Dates: 8/9/2017 – 1/27/2018
Going from being a kid to an adult can be a big change. What has this transition been like for you? Why? What has been hard about this transition? What has been good about this time in your life? What would make this transition easier? What advice would you give your younger self to help you through this transition? Date: 10/5/2018
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