Question Bank

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  1. How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
  2. Did you ask for your first phone or did you get it without asking?
  3. Why did you get your first cell phone?
  4. What do you think is the right age for someone to get their first cell phone? Why?
  5. What type of cell phone do you have now?

Dates: 12/27/2017 – 2/20/2018

  1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it.
  2. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not?
  3. What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better?
  4. What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why?
  5. In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why?
Date: 3/8/24
  1. Bullying and harassment are common on social media. Have you or someone you know been bullied or harassed on social media? Tell us about it.
  2. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, what would make you personally feel better?
  3. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, which of the following would feel like a fair resolution: private apology via dm, public apology, deleted posts, banning them, support from friends, something else?
  4. If someone experiences bullying or harassment, which social media companies do you trust to achieve a fair resolution for you? Why?
  5. Have you or someone you know bullied or harassed other people on social media? What happened and why?

Date: 8/23/2019

Intro: Can’t stop, won’t stop (using your phone)? We wanna hear about the downsides of using your cell phone.

  1. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation because you were busy using your cell phone? Tell us about it.
  2. Do you think it’s safe to drive and use your cell phone at the same time? Tell us more.
  3. What could you do to make your own cell phone use safer?
  4. Do you know what the local law is for cell phone use while driving? What is it?

Dates: 1/24/2018 – 3/20/2018

  1. Many of us spend significant time in front of screens (computer, phone, tv, etc.). How much time do you spend in front of a screen each day? Is this more, less, or the same as before COVID?
  2. What do you use your screens for?
  3. What do you consider meaningful screen use? Is this different than before the pandemic?
  4. Do you try to limit your screen time? Why?
  5. How does screen use impact other areas of your life?

Date: 3/26/2021

  1. We want to know how you use social media. List the types of social media you use most.
  2. Do you find yourself checking your social media without realizing it? Describe the scenario!
  3. Have you ever felt like you should cut down on your social media use? What made you feel this way?
  4. Have people annoyed you by commenting on how often you use social media? Tell us about it!
  5. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your social media use? What happened?
  6. Is checking your social media the first thing you do in the morning?

Dates: 12/6/2017 – 5/26/2018

  1. This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)?
  2. What benefits do you get from social media?
  3. How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media?
  4. Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself.
Date: 1/5/24
  1. This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events?
  2. How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it.
  3. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life.
  4. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing?
  5. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself.
Date: 1/12/24
  1. Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media?
  2. Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why?
  3. How does using social media make you feel? Why?
  4. Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use?
Date: 11/13/2020
  1. Telemedicine is when a doctor provides care for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Have you ever heard of telemedicine?
  2. Is telemedicine something you think you would use? Why or why not?
  3. Have you or anyone you know ever used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for?
  5. What kinds of health issues would you rather see a doctor in person for?
Date: 10/18/2019
  1. Telemedicine is when a healthcare provider cares for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you or anyone you know used telemedicine? Tell us about it.
  2. If you were to use telemedicine to see a healthcare provider, would you prefer a phone call or video visit? Why?
  3. How effective do you think telemedicine is compared to an in-person visit? Why do you say that?
  4. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? Why?
  5. How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view on telemedicine, if at all?
Date: 10/9/2020
  1. We are exposed to so much media (news, tv/movies, radio/podcasts, social media, etc.) every day. Have you heard of media literacy? What do you think it is?
  2. Media literacy is defined as thinking critically about media messages and their effects on us (fake news, body image, stereotypes, bias, etc.). What, if anything, have you learned about media literacy, and from whom?
  3. How media literate do you consider yourself? Why?
  4. One part of media literacy is thinking about who is represented in the media. All people have multiple identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.). How are people who share your identities portrayed in the media?
  5. Which identities do you want to see more of in the media? Why?

Date: 10/2/2020

How old were you when you got your first cell phone? Did you ask for your first phone or did you get it without asking? Why did you get your first cell phone? What do you think is the right age for someone to get their first cell phone? Why? What type of cell phone do you have now? Dates: 12/27/2017 – 2/20/2018
Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not? What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better? What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why? In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why? Date: 3/8/24
Bullying and harassment are common on social media. Have you or someone you know been bullied or harassed on social media? Tell us about it. If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, what would make you personally feel better? If someone bullies or harasses you on social media, which of the following would feel like a fair resolution: private apology via dm, public apology, deleted posts, banning them, support from friends, something else? If someone experiences bullying or harassment, which social media companies do you trust to achieve a fair resolution for you? Why? Have you or someone you know bullied or harassed other people on social media? What happened and why? Date: 8/23/2019
Intro: Can’t stop, won’t stop (using your phone)? We wanna hear about the downsides of using your cell phone. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation because you were busy using your cell phone? Tell us about it. Do you think it’s safe to drive and use your cell phone at the same time? Tell us more. What could you do to make your own cell phone use safer? Do you know what the local law is for cell phone use while driving? What is it? Dates: 1/24/2018 – 3/20/2018
Many of us spend significant time in front of screens (computer, phone, tv, etc.). How much time do you spend in front of a screen each day? Is this more, less, or the same as before COVID? What do you use your screens for? What do you consider meaningful screen use? Is this different than before the pandemic? Do you try to limit your screen time? Why? How does screen use impact other areas of your life? Date: 3/26/2021
We want to know how you use social media. List the types of social media you use most. Do you find yourself checking your social media without realizing it? Describe the scenario! Have you ever felt like you should cut down on your social media use? What made you feel this way? Have people annoyed you by commenting on how often you use social media? Tell us about it! Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your social media use? What happened? Is checking your social media the first thing you do in the morning? Dates: 12/6/2017 – 5/26/2018
This week's questions are about how you use social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, etc. How do you typically use social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.)? What benefits do you get from social media? How do you create a positive experience for yourself while using social media? Who or what do you enjoy seeing or interacting with on social media? Why? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel good about yourself. Date: 1/5/24 This week we have more questions about social media and the impact on your life and well-being. How has social media impacted how you feel about the world and current events? How has social media impacted your in-person relationships? Tell us about it. Tell us about a time when social media made you feel differently about other people in your life. How has using social media (posting, watching videos, scrolling, messaging, commenting, etc.) negatively impacted your wellbeing? Tell us about a time when social media made you feel bad about yourself. Date: 1/12/24 Almost everyone is on social media nowadays. What advice would you give to young people who are new to social media? Have you ever felt like you need to change your social media use (what you view, time spent, etc.)? Why? How does using social media make you feel? Why? Have you ever deleted or thought about deleting your social media account(s)? Why? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your social media use? Date: 11/13/2020
Telemedicine is when a doctor provides care for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Have you ever heard of telemedicine? Is telemedicine something you think you would use? Why or why not? Have you or anyone you know ever used telemedicine? Tell us about it. What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? What kinds of health issues would you rather see a doctor in person for? Date: 10/18/2019 Telemedicine is when a healthcare provider cares for a patient when they aren’t physically together (like online, phone, or video). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you or anyone you know used telemedicine? Tell us about it. If you were to use telemedicine to see a healthcare provider, would you prefer a phone call or video visit? Why? How effective do you think telemedicine is compared to an in-person visit? Why do you say that? What kinds of health issues do you think telemedicine would be good for? Why? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view on telemedicine, if at all? Date: 10/9/2020
We are exposed to so much media (news, tv/movies, radio/podcasts, social media, etc.) every day. Have you heard of media literacy? What do you think it is? Media literacy is defined as thinking critically about media messages and their effects on us (fake news, body image, stereotypes, bias, etc.). What, if anything, have you learned about media literacy, and from whom? How media literate do you consider yourself? Why? One part of media literacy is thinking about who is represented in the media. All people have multiple identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.). How are people who share your identities portrayed in the media? Which identities do you want to see more of in the media? Why? Date: 10/2/2020
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