Question Bank

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  1. In some communities, adults are banning youth from accessing certain books by removing them from libraries, bookstores, and other places youth might access books. Have you heard of these policies?
  2. Do you think certain types of books should be banned for youth? Why or why not?
  3. How do you think book bans impact youth?
  4. Have you or anyone you know ever wanted to read a book and found out it was ​unavailable due to being banned? Tell us about it.
Date: 5/7/22
  1. Are you worried about the environment? Why or why not?
  2. What do you do to protect the environment, if anything?
  3. Where have you learned the most about climate change?
  4. How has climate change affected you or your family?

Date: 2/8/2019

  1. Community resources are local places or services that help improve people’s lives. What resources do you have in your community?
  2. What are the most important community resources you feel like you need to live a safe and healthy life? Why?
  3. What community resources do you use most often? Why?
  4. What gets in the way of you using the resources in your community?
  5. What resources do you think are missing from your community? What makes you say that?

Date: 10/12/2018

Intro: Politics have been in the news a lot since President Trump took office. We want to know how you are feeling about it all.

  1. Tell us how you think things are going overall in the US so far. What specific events or policies have made the biggest impression on you?
  2. How have you been feeling (emotionally/physically) since President Trump took office?
  3. Has the election inspired you to do anything new or different? Tell us about it!
  4. Have you felt stressed about politics? Tell us how you have dealt with it.

Dates: 8/23/17 – 2/10/2018

  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts on disabilities. How would you define a disability? Give some examples.
  2. A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Have you interacted with or known a person with a disability? Tell us about your experience.
  3. How do you feel when you see or encounter a stranger with a disability? Why?
  4. Should the government promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities? If yes, how?
  5. Do you consider yourself someone with a disability? If yes, tell us about your disability. We would love to hear about how it has impacted you.
Date: 10/4/2019
  1. What are some things that take your attention away from the road while driving? If you don’t drive- what are things you have seen that distract drivers?
  2. What do you think about using a cell phone while driving?
  3. Does your state have a law against using a cell phone while driving? If yes, tell us about it.
  4. Hands-free laws typically make it illegal to hold a phone with your hands, arms, or shoulders while driving. How do you think these laws influence young people's phone use while driving?
  5. What do you think would help young people not use their phones while driving?
Date: 3/22/24
  1. This week’s questions are about how different people are impacted by climate change. How do you think your future will be impacted by climate change, if at all?
  2. Are you worried about the impacts of climate change on your future (e.g. food access, extreme heat, floods, droughts)? Why or why not?
  3. Who should be responsible for ensuring that everyone in your community has fair and equal protection from the impacts of climate change? Why do you say that?
  4. What action can people your age take to ensure that everyone in your community is fairly and equally protected from the impacts of climate change?
Date: 3/15/24
  1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it.
  2. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not?
  3. What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better?
  4. What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why?
  5. In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why?
Date: 3/8/24
  1. What are your thoughts about having guns in your home?
  2. Do you think gun control laws would affect mass shootings? Why?
  3. Who, if anyone, should NOT be allowed to own guns?
  4. What do you think of laws that restrict the types of guns people can own?

Dates: 9/6/2017 – 2/24/2018

  1. This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why?
  2. What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you?
  3. What does carrying a handgun look like where you live?
  4. What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns?
  5. Tell us about the role of handguns in your family.
Date: 6/17/22

Intro: Today we want to ask you about your thoughts on the juvenile justice system.

  1. When youth commit a crime, the juvenile justice system determines what happens to them. What do you know about this system?
  2. What should happen to youth when they break the law?
  3. What do you think the job of the juvenile justice system should be?
  4. Should adults and youth be treated the same when they commit a crime? Why or why not?

Date: 2/1/2019

  1. Do you think racism is a problem in your life? Why or why not?
  2. How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you mentally/emotionally?
  3. How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you physically?
  4. Have you experienced or witnessed racism while receiving healthcare? If so, what happened?
  5. Do you think healthcare providers should address racism when providing care? If so, what should they do?

Date: 4/30/2021

  1. This week we want to hear about the role your race/ethnicity plays in your life. What does your race/ethnicity mean to you?
  2. What do you think MOST people think about your racial/ethnic group?
  3. How does how other people view your race affect you?
  4. Have you experienced or witnessed racism? Tell us about it.
  5. How do you think you or people your age can deal with negative experiences related to racism?

Date: 3/15/2019

  1. This week is about reproductive health services like STI testing, contraception, prenatal care, etc.  What types of services for youth should the government help pay for? Why?
  2. The federal government recently changed their rules on funding reproductive health services (Title X). Have you heard about this change?
  3. Clinics that get government funding for reproductive health services cannot use it to provide abortions. Now, these clinics will not get funding if they DISCUSS abortions. What do you think about this?
  4. Will this change impact you or anyone you know? How?

Date: 10/11/2019

  1. There is a debate in some states about which bathroom transgender people are allowed to use. Have you heard about this?
  2. What this means is that a person who was born a female but identifies as a male can only use female bathrooms and vice versa. What do you think about this? OR What do you think about this issue?
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how important is this issue to you? (1-not important at all; 5-extremely important)

Dates: 7/26/2017 – 1/13/2018

  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts on voting. Did you vote in the last election? Why?
  2. Do you plan on voting in the next election? Why?
  3. On a scale of 1-5 (1= very easy, 5= very hard), how easy or hard do you think it is for people to vote? Why?
  4. What do you think keeps 18-24 year olds from voting?
  5. How could these issues be improved?

Dates: 11/8/2017 – 4/28/2018

  1. Let’s talk voting! In an election, what are the issues that are the most important to you?
  2. Who or what influences where you stand on these issues?
  3. Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not?
  4. Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard?

Date: 2/28/2020

  1. As we approach Election Day in November, we want to hear more about your thoughts on voting (even if you can’t vote). What are the issues that are the most important to you?
  2. Who or what influences where you stand on these issues?
  3. Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not?
  4. Are there recent events that have impacted your opinion on voting? What happened and how did it impact your opinion?
  5. Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard?

Date: 9/4/2020

In some communities, adults are banning youth from accessing certain books by removing them from libraries, bookstores, and other places youth might access books. Have you heard of these policies? Do you think certain types of books should be banned for youth? Why or why not? How do you think book bans impact youth? Have you or anyone you know ever wanted to read a book and found out it was ​unavailable due to being banned? Tell us about it. Date: 5/7/22
Are you worried about the environment? Why or why not? What do you do to protect the environment, if anything? Where have you learned the most about climate change? How has climate change affected you or your family? Date: 2/8/2019
Community resources are local places or services that help improve people’s lives. What resources do you have in your community? What are the most important community resources you feel like you need to live a safe and healthy life? Why? What community resources do you use most often? Why? What gets in the way of you using the resources in your community? What resources do you think are missing from your community? What makes you say that? Date: 10/12/2018
Intro: Politics have been in the news a lot since President Trump took office. We want to know how you are feeling about it all. Tell us how you think things are going overall in the US so far. What specific events or policies have made the biggest impression on you? How have you been feeling (emotionally/physically) since President Trump took office? Has the election inspired you to do anything new or different? Tell us about it! Have you felt stressed about politics? Tell us how you have dealt with it. Dates: 8/23/17 – 2/10/2018
This week we want to hear your thoughts on disabilities. How would you define a disability? Give some examples. A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Have you interacted with or known a person with a disability? Tell us about your experience. How do you feel when you see or encounter a stranger with a disability? Why? Should the government promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities? If yes, how? Do you consider yourself someone with a disability? If yes, tell us about your disability. We would love to hear about how it has impacted you. Date: 10/4/2019
What are some things that take your attention away from the road while driving? If you don’t drive- what are things you have seen that distract drivers? What do you think about using a cell phone while driving? Does your state have a law against using a cell phone while driving? If yes, tell us about it. Hands-free laws typically make it illegal to hold a phone with your hands, arms, or shoulders while driving. How do you think these laws influence young people's phone use while driving? What do you think would help young people not use their phones while driving? Date: 3/22/24
This week’s questions are about how different people are impacted by climate change. How do you think your future will be impacted by climate change, if at all? Are you worried about the impacts of climate change on your future (e.g. food access, extreme heat, floods, droughts)? Why or why not? Who should be responsible for ensuring that everyone in your community has fair and equal protection from the impacts of climate change? Why do you say that? What action can people your age take to ensure that everyone in your community is fairly and equally protected from the impacts of climate change? Date: 3/15/24
Generative Artificial Intelligence (like ChatGPT) uses algorithms to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Have you heard of this? Tell us about it. Have you used Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for anything? Why or why not? What are ways that Generative AI could make (or has made) your life better? What concerns do you have about Generative AI? Why? In what situations do you think Generative AI should NOT be used? Why? Date: 3/8/24
What are your thoughts about having guns in your home? Do you think gun control laws would affect mass shootings? Why? Who, if anyone, should NOT be allowed to own guns? What do you think of laws that restrict the types of guns people can own? Dates: 9/6/2017 – 2/24/2018
This week's questions are about handguns. Handguns are guns that can be used with one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. How do you feel about handguns? Why? What does "carrying" a handgun mean to you? What does carrying a handgun look like where you live? What are some reasons why people your age carry handguns? Tell us about the role of handguns in your family. Date: 6/17/22
Intro: Today we want to ask you about your thoughts on the juvenile justice system. When youth commit a crime, the juvenile justice system determines what happens to them. What do you know about this system? What should happen to youth when they break the law? What do you think the job of the juvenile justice system should be? Should adults and youth be treated the same when they commit a crime? Why or why not? Date: 2/1/2019
Do you think racism is a problem in your life? Why or why not? How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you mentally/emotionally? How does experiencing or witnessing racism affect you physically? Have you experienced or witnessed racism while receiving healthcare? If so, what happened? Do you think healthcare providers should address racism when providing care? If so, what should they do? Date: 4/30/2021 This week we want to hear about the role your race/ethnicity plays in your life. What does your race/ethnicity mean to you? What do you think MOST people think about your racial/ethnic group? How does how other people view your race affect you? Have you experienced or witnessed racism? Tell us about it. How do you think you or people your age can deal with negative experiences related to racism? Date: 3/15/2019
This week is about reproductive health services like STI testing, contraception, prenatal care, etc.  What types of services for youth should the government help pay for? Why? The federal government recently changed their rules on funding reproductive health services (Title X). Have you heard about this change? Clinics that get government funding for reproductive health services cannot use it to provide abortions. Now, these clinics will not get funding if they DISCUSS abortions. What do you think about this? Will this change impact you or anyone you know? How? Date: 10/11/2019
There is a debate in some states about which bathroom transgender people are allowed to use. Have you heard about this? What this means is that a person who was born a female but identifies as a male can only use female bathrooms and vice versa. What do you think about this? OR What do you think about this issue? On a scale of 1-5, how important is this issue to you? (1-not important at all; 5-extremely important) Dates: 7/26/2017 – 1/13/2018
This week we want to hear your thoughts on voting. Did you vote in the last election? Why? Do you plan on voting in the next election? Why? On a scale of 1-5 (1= very easy, 5= very hard), how easy or hard do you think it is for people to vote? Why? What do you think keeps 18-24 year olds from voting? How could these issues be improved? Dates: 11/8/2017 – 4/28/2018
Let’s talk voting! In an election, what are the issues that are the most important to you? Who or what influences where you stand on these issues? Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not? Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard? Date: 2/28/2020 As we approach Election Day in November, we want to hear more about your thoughts on voting (even if you can’t vote). What are the issues that are the most important to you? Who or what influences where you stand on these issues? Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not? Are there recent events that have impacted your opinion on voting? What happened and how did it impact your opinion? Besides voting, how else could you make your voice heard? Date: 9/4/2020
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