Question Bank

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  1. This week we want to get your thoughts on drinking alcohol. What do you think counts as binge drinking?
  2. Did you know that binge drinking means drinking 4 + drinks for women and 5 + drinks for men in 2 hours? What do you think about that?
  3. What percentage of people your age do you think binge drink?
  4. Why do you think people your age binge drink?
  5. What do you think are the greatest risks of binge drinking?

Date: 9/21/2018

  1. What, if anything, have you heard about fentanyl?
  2. Fentanyl is an ingredient in some pain medications and illegal drugs. How might people your age get access/exposed to fentanyl?
  3. Fentanyl is one of the most common drugs involved in overdose deaths. How can youth be protected from the dangers of fentanyl?
  4. Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can save the lives of those who are overdosing on opioids like...
  5. Where do you think Narcan should be available? Why?
Date: 4/26/24
  1. This week is all about Juul. Have you ever heard of Juul?
  2. Why do you think people your age Juul?
  3. Do you think Juuling is dangerous? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think Juuling leads to using alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs? Why or why not?
  5. Juul is an e-cigarette that delivers nicotine. Do you think people younger than 21 years old should be allowed to Juul? Tell us your thoughts on this!

Date: 1/25/2019

Intro: We want your thoughts on marijuana. As states take steps to legalize marijuana, it’s important to hear the voices of young/future voters (that’s you)!

  1. Is marijuana use legal in your community? How do you know?
  2. Do you think it should be legal to use marijuana? Why?
  3. If marijuana were legal, how would this affect people your age?
  4. How important are marijuana laws to you? (1=Not at all important, 5=Very Important)

Dates: 2/7/2018 – 4/3/2018

  1. What do you think about using marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions?
  2. What do you think about young people using marijuana to manage stress or anxiety?
  3. What do you think ​a​re the risks of using marijuana during adolescence, if any?
  4. Which marijuana topics are most important for young people to know about? (Ex: effects on driving, brain development, mental health, pregnancy, learning/memory, safe storage, drinking while smoking, addiction risk, poison safety, peer pressure, other).
  5. What is your preferred way to receive information about the health effects of using marijuana?
Date: 6/24/22
  1. What do you think about the use of marijuana (smoking, edibles, etc.) during pregnancy?
  2. What do you think are the risks of using marijuana during pregnancy?
  3. Do you think healthcare providers should talk about marijuana use with people who are pregnant? Why or why not?
  4. How do you think regular marijuana use (at least once per week) impacts a parent's ability to care for a child?
  5. Do you think marijuana use during pregnancy should be considered child neglect/abuse? Why or why not?
Date: 5/27/22
  1. We’re here with some questions about pain medications. Have you ever taken a prescription pain medication? Tell us about it.
  2. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use prescription pain medication that was NOT prescribed to you? Why?
  3. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use a prescription pain medication that WAS prescribed to you? Why?
  4. Could you get prescription pain medications from somewhere other than your doctor? Where?
  5. When you hear the word “opioid,” what do you think of?

Dates: 12/13/2017 – 6/2/2018

  1. Why do you think people your age use stimulants that ARE NOT prescribed to them?
  2. Do you think stimulants work? If yes, what do you think they do?
  3. What are the risks of using stimulants that are NOT prescribed to you, if any?
  4. How many people your age do you think use stimulants that are NOT prescribed to them? How do they get them?

Date: 2/22/2019

Intro: We have questions for you about health insurance coverage of treatment for substance abuse. This includes alcohol and drug use. Right now, treatment for substance abuse is free for anyone who has health insurance.
  1. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important)
  2. Has coverage of substance use disorders helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it!
  3. Time to vote! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why?
Dates: 11/22/2017 – 5/12/2018
  1. This week is about substance use (juul/vaping, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think substance use among people your age has changed during the pandemic (same/less/more)?
  2. What do you think are some reasons substance use has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all?
  3. How do you think access to substances has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all?
  4. Do you think the pandemic has affected the use of one type of substance more than others? If yes, how?

Date: 5/15/2020

  1. This week we want to hear your thoughts about tobacco and related products. How old do you think you need to be to buy cigarettes, e-cigarettes (Juul, vape pens, etc.) and other tobacco products?
  2. There is a new federal law that restricts the sale of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to people age 21 and over. Have you heard of this?
  3. How do you think this new law impacts how people your age get these products?
  4. Do you think this law will prevent people under the age of 21 from using cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products? Why or why not?
  5. Are there other nicotine-containing products that people your age use besides cigarettes and e-cigs? Tell us about them.

Date: 9/18/2020

  1. We want to know what you think about tobacco products like cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juul, and hookah. Why do you think people your age use these products?
  2. Do you think people your age should have the choice to use these products? Why or why not?
  3. Where do people your age get tobacco products?
  4. At what age do you think people should be able to buy these products? Why?
  5. Would you support a law that limits the sale of tobacco products to people age 21 and up? Why or why not?

Date: 8/31/2018

  1. Have you seen any warnings about the harms of smoking cigarettes recently? Where?
  2. Do you think that ads about the harms of smoking cigarettes could keep young people from *starting* to smoke? Why?
  3. Do you think ads could encourage young people to *quit* smoking cigarettes? Why?
  4. Describe the kind of ads you think would work best to keep young people from smoking.

Dates: 1/17/2018 – 3/13/2018

This week we want to get your thoughts on drinking alcohol. What do you think counts as binge drinking? Did you know that binge drinking means drinking 4 + drinks for women and 5 + drinks for men in 2 hours? What do you think about that? What percentage of people your age do you think binge drink? Why do you think people your age binge drink? What do you think are the greatest risks of binge drinking? Date: 9/21/2018
What, if anything, have you heard about fentanyl? Fentanyl is an ingredient in some pain medications and illegal drugs. How might people your age get access/exposed to fentanyl? Fentanyl is one of the most common drugs involved in overdose deaths. How can youth be protected from the dangers of fentanyl? Narcan (Naloxone) is a medication that can save the lives of those who are overdosing on opioids like... Where do you think Narcan should be available? Why? Date: 4/26/24
This week is all about Juul. Have you ever heard of Juul? Why do you think people your age Juul? Do you think Juuling is dangerous? Why or why not? Do you think Juuling leads to using alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs? Why or why not? Juul is an e-cigarette that delivers nicotine. Do you think people younger than 21 years old should be allowed to Juul? Tell us your thoughts on this! Date: 1/25/2019
Intro: We want your thoughts on marijuana. As states take steps to legalize marijuana, it’s important to hear the voices of young/future voters (that’s you)! Is marijuana use legal in your community? How do you know? Do you think it should be legal to use marijuana? Why? If marijuana were legal, how would this affect people your age? How important are marijuana laws to you? (1=Not at all important, 5=Very Important) Dates: 2/7/2018 – 4/3/2018
What do you think about using marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions? What do you think about young people using marijuana to manage stress or anxiety? What do you think ​a​re the risks of using marijuana during adolescence, if any? Which marijuana topics are most important for young people to know about? (Ex: effects on driving, brain development, mental health, pregnancy, learning/memory, safe storage, drinking while smoking, addiction risk, poison safety, peer pressure, other). What is your preferred way to receive information about the health effects of using marijuana? Date: 6/24/22
What do you think about the use of marijuana (smoking, edibles, etc.) during pregnancy? What do you think are the risks of using marijuana during pregnancy? Do you think healthcare providers should talk about marijuana use with people who are pregnant? Why or why not? How do you think regular marijuana use (at least once per week) impacts a parent's ability to care for a child? Do you think marijuana use during pregnancy should be considered child neglect/abuse? Why or why not? Date: 5/27/22
We’re here with some questions about pain medications. Have you ever taken a prescription pain medication? Tell us about it. When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use prescription pain medication that was NOT prescribed to you? Why? When it comes to your health, how safe is it to use a prescription pain medication that WAS prescribed to you? Why? Could you get prescription pain medications from somewhere other than your doctor? Where? When you hear the word “opioid,” what do you think of? Dates: 12/13/2017 – 6/2/2018
Why do you think people your age use stimulants that ARE NOT prescribed to them? Do you think stimulants work? If yes, what do you think they do? What are the risks of using stimulants that are NOT prescribed to you, if any? How many people your age do you think use stimulants that are NOT prescribed to them? How do they get them? Date: 2/22/2019
Intro: We have questions for you about health insurance coverage of treatment for substance abuse. This includes alcohol and drug use. Right now, treatment for substance abuse is free for anyone who has health insurance. On a scale from 1-5, how important is this policy to you? (1= Not at all, 5= Extremely important) Has coverage of substance use disorders helped you or someone you know? Tell us about it! Time to vote! Would you vote to keep this policy, repeal it, or change it? Why? Dates: 11/22/2017 – 5/12/2018
This week is about substance use (juul/vaping, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think substance use among people your age has changed during the pandemic (same/less/more)? What do you think are some reasons substance use has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all? How do you think access to substances has changed for you or people your age due to the pandemic, if at all? Do you think the pandemic has affected the use of one type of substance more than others? If yes, how? Date: 5/15/2020
This week we want to hear your thoughts about tobacco and related products. How old do you think you need to be to buy cigarettes, e-cigarettes (Juul, vape pens, etc.) and other tobacco products? There is a new federal law that restricts the sale of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to people age 21 and over. Have you heard of this? How do you think this new law impacts how people your age get these products? Do you think this law will prevent people under the age of 21 from using cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products? Why or why not? Are there other nicotine-containing products that people your age use besides cigarettes and e-cigs? Tell us about them. Date: 9/18/2020 We want to know what you think about tobacco products like cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juul, and hookah. Why do you think people your age use these products? Do you think people your age should have the choice to use these products? Why or why not? Where do people your age get tobacco products? At what age do you think people should be able to buy these products? Why? Would you support a law that limits the sale of tobacco products to people age 21 and up? Why or why not? Date: 8/31/2018
Have you seen any warnings about the harms of smoking cigarettes recently? Where? Do you think that ads about the harms of smoking cigarettes could keep young people from *starting* to smoke? Why? Do you think ads could encourage young people to *quit* smoking cigarettes? Why? Describe the kind of ads you think would work best to keep young people from smoking. Dates: 1/17/2018 – 3/13/2018
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