Message from the Director
This has been a year like no other, as we navigated the challenges of an ongoing health crisis, growing discontent with our collective response to racism, and a contentious election season. In times like these, MyVoice is proud to continue our important work to gather and disseminate young people’s opinions on the issues that matter the most in their lives.
Through the data collected through text message as part of the MyVoice survey, policy makers, public agencies, and community advocacy groups have the information that they need to ensure that forthcoming policy responses and services are rooted in the cares and concerns of the young people whose lives they seek to improve.
Despite the challenges that we face, our survey results show that young U.S. Americans are seeking positive change—and desire to use their own lived experiences to inform solutions for the challenges that we face as a nation.
As we look to the future, the opinions, energy, and perspectives of our young people are a tremendous resource. However, it is only through active and empathetic listening through tools such as the MyVoice survey that we can leverage this gift to help us build back better.
Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS
MyVoice Hosts the 2021 Data for Public Good Symposium
MyVoice Student Researcher Presents at NASEM Conference
MyVoice Student Advocate Speaks at National Forum for Children's Wellbeing
MyVoice Joins the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s Transparency Initiative
Needs and Coping Behaviors of Youth in the US During COVID-19
Waselewski EA, Waselewski ME, Chang T. Needs and Coping Behaviors of Youth in the US During COVID-19. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020 Nov 1;67(5):649-52.
Perspectives of US Youth During Initial Month of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Waselewski E, Waselewski M, Harper C, Dickey S, Bell SA, Chang T. Perspectives of US Youth During Initial Month of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Annals of Family Medicine. 2021 Mar 1;19(2):141-7.
Youth Trust in Social Media Companies and Expectations of Justice
Schoenebeck S, Scott CF, Hurley EG, Chang T, Selkie E. Youth Trust in Social Media Companies and Expectations of Justice: Accountability and Repair after Online Harassment. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. 2021 Apr 22;5(CSCW1):1-8.
“Stay home so this can be over:” A national study of youth perspectives on social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dunn MR, DeJonckheere M, Schuiteman S, Strome A, Herbert K, Waselewski M, Chang T. “Stay home so this can be over:” A national study of youth perspectives on social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2021 Jun 1;22:101355.
Youth perspectives regarding the regulating of bathroom use by transgender individuals
Crissman HP, Czuhajewski C, Moniz MH, Plegue M, Chang T. Youth perspectives regarding the regulating of bathroom use by transgender individuals. Journal of homosexuality. 2020 Dec 5;67(14):2034-49.
If It Needs to be Done, It Needs to be Done”: National Survey of Youth Experiences and Perspectives on Caregiving
Raj M, Feldman SJ, Platt JE, Chang T. “If It Needs to be Done, It Needs to be Done”: National Survey of Youth Experiences and Perspectives on Caregiving. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 Apr 10.
National Study of Youth Opinions on Vaccination for COVID-19 in the US
Brandt EJ, Rosenberg J, Waselewski ME, Amaro X, Wasag J, Chang T. National Study of Youth Opinions on Vaccination for COVID-19 in the US. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 May 1;68(5):869-72.
Perspectives on telemedicine from a national study of youth in the United States
Waselewski M, Waselewski E, Wasvary M, Wood G, Pratt K, Chang T, Hines A. Perspectives on telemedicine from a national study of youth in the United States. Telemedicine and e-Health. In press.
Youth opinions about Title X funding and policy in the United States
Wu JP, Van Sparrentak M, Waselewski M, DeJonckheere M, Remen R, Chang T. Youth opinions about Title X funding and policy in the United States: A mixed methods text message survey. Contraception. 2021 Feb 1;103(2):92-6.
Perspectives of US Adolescents on Diverted Stimulant Use
Hadler N, Strome A, Waselewski M, Herbert K, Harper C, Chang T. Perspectives of US Adolescents on Diverted Stimulant Use. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021 Apr 20.
Views on COVID-19 and Use of Face Coverings Among US Youth
DeJonckheere M, Waselewski M, Amaro X, Frank A, Chua KP. Views on COVID-19 and Use of Face Coverings Among US Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021 May 1;68(5):873-81.
Involving Young People in Research, Evaluation, and Social Change Efforts
Kornbluh M, DeJonckheere M. Involving Young People in Research, Evaluation, and Social Change Efforts. In F. Jacquez (ed), Collaborative Change Research, Evaluation, and Design. University of Cincinnati Press. In press.
Oral Presentations

The impact of COVID-19 on weight and shape control behaviors and social media content of U.S. adolescents and young adults
Schmid, KL. Rose, KR. Sonneville. The impact of COVID-19 on weight and shape control behaviors and social media content of U.S. adolescents and young adults. Oral presentation at: International Conference on Eating Disorders; 2021 Jun 10-12; Virtual Conference.

Youth perceptions of stigma around eating disorders compared to other mental health diagnoses
Rose KR, Sellinger G, Negrete C, Chang T, Sonneville KR. Youth perceptions of stigma around eating disorders compared to other mental health diagnoses. Oral presentation at: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Annual Conference; 2021 Feb; Virtual Conference.

Needs and Coping Behaviors of Youth in U.S. During COVID-19
Waselewski E, Waselewski M, Chang T. Needs and Coping Behaviors of Youth in U.S. During COVID-19. Oral presentation at: 48th North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting; 2020 Nov 20-24; Virtual Conference. Awarded 2020 NAPCRG Pearl.

Youth Perspectives on Improving Mental Health and Mental Health Care
DeJonckheere M, Khreizat I. Youth Perspectives on Improving Mental Health and Mental Health Care. Invited oral presentation at: 2021 Conference on Adolescent Health; 2021 May 13-14; Virtual Conference.

Response of U.S. Youth to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Waselewski M; Waselewski E, Chang T. Response of U.S. Youth to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Oral presentation at: 48th North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting; 2020 Nov 20-24; Virtual Conference.

Youth Perspectives and Experiences with In-Person and Online Grocery Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hadler N, Locher I, Waselewski M, Hoffs C, Chang T, Brandt E. Youth Perspectives and Experiences with In-Person and Online Grocery Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Oral presentation at: Annual Nutrition Science Meeting, Nutrition 2021 Live Online; 2021 Jun 7-10; Virtual Conference.
Poster Presentations

Youth Experiences of Mental Health Stigma
Austin LJ, Browne R, Carreiro M, Khreizat I, DeJonckheere M, Schwartz SEO. Youth Experiences of Mental Health Stigma. Poster presented at: Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Biennial Meeting; 2021 Apr 7-9; Virtual Conference.

Youth perceptions of barriers to eating disorder treatment
Rose KR, Sellinger G, Chang T, Sonneville KR. Youth perceptions of barriers to eating disorder treatment. Poster presented at: International Conference on Eating Disorders; 2021 Jun 10-12; Virtual Conference.

Perspectives on Telemedicine from a Study of United States Youth
Waselewski E, Waselewski M, Chang T, Hines A. Perspectives on Telemedicine from a Study of United States Youth. Poster presented at: Department of Internal Medicine 2021 Senior Resident Research Symposium 2021 May 5-7; Virtual Conference.

Online Grocery Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Survey of Youth Age 14-24
Brandt E, Hadler N, Locher I, Hoffs C, Waselewski M, Chang T. Online Grocery Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Survey of Youth Age 14-24. Poster presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; 2021 Jun 14-17; Virtual Conference.

Skin Cancer Prevention: Knowledge and Perceptions of a National Sample of Youth
Strome* A, Herbert* K, Walsh K, Lamberg O, Waselewski M, Chang T. Skin Cancer Prevention: Knowledge and Perceptions of a National Sample of Youth, A MyVoice Project. Poster presented at: Future Faces of Dermatology: Medical Student Research Symposium; 2021 Jun 5; Ann Arbor, Michigan. Poster Session Winner.
*equal contributors

Food insecurity and COVID-19
Banfield J, Kornbluh M, Herrnstadt Z, Croft M, DuVall M, DeJonckheere M. Food insecurity and COVID-19. Poster presented at: Southeast ECO Conference; 2020 Oct 16-17; Virtual Conference.

Youth Experiences and Future Needs in Learning and Working During COVID-19
Chang T, Waselewski M, DeJonckheere M, Elder N, Mandala A, Frederick J. Youth Experiences and Future Needs in Learning and Working During COVID-19. Sept 2020. White paper.

Youth Perspectives on Voting
Chang T, Waselewski M, Ilyas O, Siroky K, Amaro X, Pratt K. Youth Perspectives on Voting. Oct 2020. White paper
Our year by the numbers
Data from MyVoice surveys conducted between fall 2020 and spring 2021, unless otherwise noted.
Unique Zip Codes
text messages received
total text messages received since MyVoice's launch in 2016

Free or Reduced Lunch
High School Students
Abby Frank
DaMone’ Payne
Morenikeji Ojubanire
Undergraduate Students
Xochitl Amaro
Ivana Khreizat
Jack Nawrocki
Aspen Hanson
Graduate Students
Astrid Zamora
Ian Williams
Jane Schmid
Long Zhang
Megha Uberoi
Mikayla Barry
N’dea Moore-Petinak, MS
Medical Students
Arianna Strome
Claire Chang
Ione Locher, MD
Kate Siroky, MD
Kelsey Herbert
Nicole Hadler, MD
Sarosh Irani
Residents and Fellows
Christina Ceci, MD
Eric Waselewski, MD
Jacob Wasag, MD
Stephen Gorga, MD
Faculty and Staff
Kendrin Sonneville, ScD, RD
Marika Waselewski, MPH
Melissa Dejonckheere, PhD
Michelle Moniz, MD, MSc
Missy Plegue, MS
Noa Kim, MSI
Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS
Timothy Guetterman, PhD
Bettina Barillas, MPA
V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, PhD
Aliya Hines, MD, PhD
Cari McCarty, PhD
Clifford Douglas, JD
Ellen Selkie, MD, MPH
Eric Brandt, MD
Kristin Drogos, PhD
Jane Harness, DO
Joanna Williams, PhD
Julia Rosenberg, MD
Kao-Ping Chua, MD, PhD
Karalyn Kiessling, MPH
Laura Richardson, MD
Kelsey Rose, MPH, RDN
Leigh Morrison, MD
Lisa Vaughn, PhD
Michelle Jackson, DPhil
Mina Raj, PhD