
Methodology AKA How MyVoice Works

We present at academic research and professional health association conferences around the world, and people often ask us: How do you do xyz? Whether it’s how we recruit youth to participate, how we deploy our surveys, or how we find the time and resources to analyze our massive qualitative data sets. In order to fill people in, we’ve published a protocol paper that outlines how MyVoice works, the methodology behind the project, and initial tips on how to launch and sustain a project like MyVoice–which believes in participant empowerment, cross-industry communication, representative sampling, technology-enabled participation, and what we’ve defined in the paper as “strategic science.”

You can read and republish this press release about the paper and MyVoice’s unique approach to conducting adolescent health and wellbeing research and download the full-text paper here.

Team Lead/Lead Author: Melissa DeJonckheere, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan


MyVoice strives to be an open book, practicing transparency in our research methodology and design. We’re a proud member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s Transparency Initiative.

Presentations and Publications

MyVoice Self Evaluation Survey: Understanding Community Collaborators’ Experience.

A. Hussain, M. Waselewski, T. Chang. MyVoice Self Evaluation Survey: Understanding Community Collaborators’ Experience. Poster presentation at: College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program’s Annual Research (UROP) Symposium.  May 2024.


Increasing representation and diversity in health research: A protocol of the MYHealth Research Training Program for high school students.

Chuisano S, Rafferty J, Allen A, Chang T, Diemer M, Harris K, Vaughn LM, Watkins DC, DeJonckheere M. Increasing representation and diversity in health research: A protocol of the MYHealth Research Training Program for high school students. medRxiv. 2023:2023-02


Dealing with Large Qualitative Datasets and Rapidly Disseminating Results

Chang T. William T. Grant Foundation Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Workshop, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Oral). April 25, 2019.


Elevating Youth Voice to Inform Critical Issues Among Youth

Chang T. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Invited Oral). November 3, 2019.


Augmenting qualitative text analysis with natural language processing

Guetterman TC, Chang T, DeJonckheere, M, Basu T, Scruggs E, Vydiswaran VGV. Augmenting qualitative text analysis with natural language processing. J Med Internet Res. 2018;20(6):e231.


Use of Text Messaging Surveys to Elicit Youth Voice about Health Benefits: Findings from the MyVoice Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study

DeJonckheere M. Mixed Methods International Research Association Global Conference, Vienna, Austria (Oral). August 2018.


MyVoice Engagement: What Motivates Youth to Respond to Weekly Text Message Polls

Waselewski M. American Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference, Virtual Conference (Oral). June 11, 2020.

MyVoice Data Blitz

M. DeJonckheere, C. Chang, M. Waselewski, X. Amaro, S. Gorga, K.Sonneville, T. Chang. MyVoice Data Blitz. Panel presentation at: Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, Louisiana. Mar 2022.

Increasing High School Students’ Researcher Identity and Research Interest Through MYHealth: A Year-Long Mentored Research Training Program

DeJonckheere M, Lucien J, Chuisano SA. Increasing High School Students’ Researcher Identity and Research Interest Through MYHealth: A Year-Long Mentored Research Training Program. Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine. San Diego, CA. March 2024.


MyVoice national text message survey of youth 14 to 24 Years: Study Protocol

DeJonckheere M, Nichols L, Moniz M, Sonneville K, Vydiswaran VG, Zhao X, Guetterman TC, Chang T.  MyVoice national text message survey of youth 14-24yo: Study Protocol. JMIR Res Prot. 2017;6(12):e247. PMCID: PMC5742661


Engaging Youth in a Longitudinal Text Message Survey: Implications for Research and Practice

Nichols L. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada (Oral). November 2017.


Integrating Natural Language Processing with Qualitative Text Analysis in Mixed Methods Studies with a Large Qualitative Strand

Guetterman T. Mixed Methods International Research Association, Vienna, Austria (Oral). August 2018.

MyVoice: Texting with America’s Youth to Improve Health

Chang T, Nichols L, DeJonckheere M, Plegue M, Czuhajewski C. American Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. May 2018.


Texting with America’s Youth to Improve Health and Wellbeing

Chang T. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Keynote Presentation). November 20, 2019.

Focusing on the Why

X. Amaro, T. Chang. Focusing on the Why. Invited keynote presentation at: Society for Research on Adolescence; 2022 March; New Orleans, Louisiana.
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