Executive Summary
Youth are experts of their own experiences and the MyVoice team believes we need to listen to the experts!
MyVoice connects with young people through weekly text message polls. Real-time data collection and rapid expert analysis of responses allow us to quickly share youth voices with those seeking to understand what youth think, experience, and need.
Highlights of 2020
In addition to the many peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations in the past year, MyVoice has been active in elevating the voices and experiences of young people to policymakers and the general public.
Early this year, the MyVoice team partnered with the University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club- a union of art and science. Through this collaboration, quotes from MyVoice youth were featured in a concert that highlighted issues of mental health among youth.
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, MyVoice fielded numerous surveys that elicited youth perceptions, behaviors, and experiences related to the pandemic. Our team quickly analyzed and summarized responses of local youth and disseminated these findings to the Washtenaw County Health Department to inform public planning during the pandemic.
MyVoice youth perspectives’ on racism were also highlighted this year in a new book from the American Academy of Pediatrics on Racism and Discrimination. The lived experiences of MyVoice youth on race, racism, power, and privilege provided context and personalization to the expert discussion of racism and their impact on youth wellbeing.
Several articles were also published in the past year through the blog, The Conversation. These pieces focused on the juvenile justice system and the use of JUUL.
MyVoice continued a strategic partnership with the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine through the release of a second consensus report on adolescent health. As part of this collaboration, MyVoice youths’ descriptions of their “best life” provided real-life context in the report and were used to create an interactive tool that highlighted youth experiences.
As an extension of our work with the National Academies, several youth members of the MyVoice team were featured in a listening session – another example of youth sharing their voice on a national stage!

Free or Reduced Lunch
Overview of Participants
Unique Zip Codes
Text Messages from Respondents in Phase 6
Text Messages from Respondents in All Phases
Youth Perceptions of Juul in the United States
Wood GG, Waselewski ME, Bryant AC, Sonneville KR, Chang T. JAMA pediatrics. 2020 May 4.
Self-Management of Health Care Among Youth: Implications for Policies on Transitions of Care
Schuiteman S, Chua KP, Plegue MA, Ilyas O, Chang T. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020 Feb 26.
Responses to the Word “Obese”: Definitions, Associations and Assumptions made by Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Rose KL, Leonard KC, Chang T, Miller AL, Nichols LP, Plegue MA, Sonneville KR. Stigma and Health. 2019 Nov 14.
“It’s Healthy Because It’s Natural.” Perceptions of “Clean” Eating among Us Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Ambwani S, Sellinger G, Rose KL, Richmond TK, Sonneville KR. Nutrients. 2020 Jun;12(6):1708.
Results of a National Text Message Poll of Youth: Perspectives on Primary Care
DeJonckheere M, Zhao A, Lane J, Plegue MA, Ranalli L, Wagner E, Riley M. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2020 June 30.
Youth Perspectives of Prescription Pain Medication in the Opioid Crisis
Harbaugh CM, Vu JV, DeJonckheere M, Kim N, Nichols LP, Chang T. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2020 Mar 3.
Active Shooter Drills in the United States: A National Study of Youth Experiences and Perceptions
Moore-Petinak N, Waselewski M, Patterson BA, Chang T. Journal of Adolescent Health. (In Press).
Oral Presentations

Elevating Youth Voice to Inform Critical Issues Among Youth
Chang T. American Public Health Associated Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Invited Oral). November 3, 2019.
Youth Perspectives on Primary Care: Results of a National Text Message Poll of Youth
DeJonckheere M. University of Michigan Research Symposium on Children and Adolescents, Center for Human Growth and Development, Ann Arbor MI (Invited Oral, Canceled). March 17, 2020.

Contemporary Body Ideals Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Qualitative Analysis
Barry MR, Rose KL, Thurston IB, Richmond TK, Chang T, Sonneville KR. International Conference on Eating Disorders, Virtual Conference (Oral). June 2020.

Texting with America’s Youth to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Chang T. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Keynote Presentation). November 20, 2019.
Youth Advocacy Through Texting: Real-Time Opinions on Matters Impacting Youth
Leonard K, Rose K, Moore-Petinak N, Kornbluh M, DeJonckheere M, Chang T. Society for Research on Adolescence, Paper Symposium (Canceled). March 21, 2020.

MyVoice Engagement: What Motivates Youth to Respond to Weekly Text Message Polls
Waselewski M, DeJonckheere M, Pratt K, Sonneville K, Chang T. American Associated for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference, Virtual Conference (Oral). June 11, 2020.

Youth Attitudes on Active Shooter Drills
Moore-Petinak N, Waselewski M, Patterson BA, Chang T. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. November 2019.

Youth Perspectives on Sexual Assault and Consent in the United States: A Mixed Methods Approach
Kollars K, Zhao A, Chang T. American Public Health Associated Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2019

Contemporary Body Ideals Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Qualitative Analysis
Barry MR, Rose KL, Thurston IB, Richmond TK, Chang T, Sonneville KR. University of Michigan Research Symposium on Children and Adolescents, Center for Human Growth and Development, Virtual Symposium. March 17, 2020.

Oral Sex: Knowledge and Perceptions of a National Sample of Youth
Strome A, Moore-Petinak N, Harper C, Akuezue S, Waselewski M, Chang T. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. November 2019.

Youth Attitudes on Active Shooter Drills
Moore-Petinak N, Waselewski M, Patterson BA, Chang T. University of Michigan Research Symposium on Children and Adolescents, Center for Human Growth and Development, Virtual Symposium. March 17, 2020.

“It’s Healthy Because It’s Natural.” Perceptions of “Clean” Eating among Us Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Ambwani S, Sellinger G, Rose KL, Richmond TK, Sonneville KR. International Conference on Eating Disorders, Virtual Conference. June 2020.

Youth Preferences in Discussing Sex and Intimacy with their Doctors
Holt K, Sulur T, DeJonckheere M, Waselewski M, Chang T. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. November 2019.

Youth Knowledge and Beliefs Regarding the Impact of Breastfeeding
Grabowski A, Waselewski M, Amaro X, Chang T. University of Michigan Research Symposium on Children and Adolescents, Center for Human Growth and Development, Virtual Symposium. March 17, 2020.
Special Collaborations
Glee Club Concert
NAM Collaboration
AAP Book Chapter
Wish You Knew

Team Members
High School Students
Chloe Harper
Abby Frank
Undergraduate Students
Xochitl Amaro
Jayde Frederick
Ivana Khreizat
Keagan Pratt
Georgia Wood
Graduate Students
Matt Dunn
Aria Grabowski, MPH
N’dea Moore-Petinak, MS
Medical Students
Arrice Bryant
Nathan Elder
Nicole Hadler
Kelsey Herbert
Kathryn Holt, MD
Kate Kollars, MD, MPH
Anish Mandala
Sam Schuiteman
Kate Siroky
Arianna Strome
Tara Sulur, MD, MS
Aisling Zhao, MD, MPH
Residents and Fellows
Eric Waselewski, MD
Ryan Huerto, MD, MPH, MA
Aliya Hines, MD, PhD
Faculty and Staff
Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS
Melissa Dejonckheere, PhD
Timothy Guetterman, PhD
Cornelius Jamison, MD MSPH
Sunghee Lee, PhD
Michelle Moniz, MD, MSc
Noa Kim, MSI
Cathy Park, BSI
Missy Plegue, MS
Kendrin Sonneville, ScD, RD
V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, PhD
Marika Waselewski, MPH
Suman Ambwani, PhD
Omar Ilyas
Mariah Kornbluh, PhD
Cari McCarty, PhD
Okeoma Mmeje, MD, MPH
Laura Richardson, MD, MPH
Kelsey Rose, MPH, RDN
Sarita Schoenebeck, PhD
Ellen Selkie, MD, MPH