Group photo showing, from left to right, University of Michigan student Carson Downer, a young man in a navy blazer and tie; Dr. Tammy Chang, a woman with dark hair and glasses, wearing a grey sweater, and University of Michigan student Aamina Hussein, a young women with dark hair, wearing a blue-grey jacket, pictured in front of two research posters.

Carson Downer, undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, pictured left, and fellow U-M student Aamina Hussain, pictured right, participated in the recent College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program’s Annual Research (UROP) Symposium. They presented research from the MyVoice program. They were cheered on by Associate Professor Tammy Chang, MD, MPH, MS, director of MyVoice, pictured in the middle.

The event celebrates the partnerships created between students and research mentors, in this case Chang, and serves as a conference where students present their research project and learn about the research their fellow UROP students have worked on throughout the program. 

Carson Downer, a student member of the MyVoice team since 2023, presented on, “Distracted Driving Policy: A Nationwide Survey of Youth Ages 14-24,” in which he was first author and was joined by fellow authors Renee M. St. Louis and Jennifer S. Zakrajsek, MPH, MS, both of U-M’s Transportation Research Institute, and MyVoice program manager Marika Waselewski and Chang.

Hussain presented on, “MyVoice Self Evaluation Survey: Understanding Community Collaborators’ Experience,” in which she was first author and teamed with Waselewski and Chang on the paper. 

“I’m extremely proud of the work that Carson and Aamina did to help us take the pulse of what young people are experiencing in this country through MyVoice data,” Chang said. “They both did a great job presenting this work.”

As a U-M student, Downer hopes to major in Public Policy with a minor in Political Science and Law, Justice, and Social Change. Hussain is enrolled in U-M’s School of Information, majoring in UX Design. Their posters are pictured below.




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